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Posts posted by redzlady

  1. What do you do with the old ones?

    The ones that are past, their glory gone by,

    The ones that didn't win, however they try,

    The ones that did win, but later turned shy,

    The first one you bought, that had a light eye.

    They're eating their heads off, the food bills are



    What do you do with the old ones?

    Find them good homes, the answer is clear,

    But the only good home that mine wants is here.

    Their own special sofa, covered with hairs,

    They all cut their teeth on the dining room chairs.

    The safe and familiar paths of their days,

    The garden, the outing, their own funny ways

    That only I know... and even their food

    If not given by me, wouldn't taste half as good.


    So now I'm deep in old ones, who're not good at all

    Who clutter the sitting room, kitchen and hall,

    Who need to be brushed, to be walked, to be fed,

    Who only want me to put them to bed!


    They're faithful and loving and set in their ways,

    So I'm stuck with them all, for the rest of their

    days, But I have to confess that when we do have to part

    I'll miss them so much... it will just break my heart.

    --- Author Unknown



    That sounds just like my house lol :biggrin:

  2. I am Katrina commonly known as Katie or Kate, I am soon to be hopefully a doggie owner pending my homecheck, I have had dogs before and have also had horses but am horseless until I win the Lottery or I decide to have children so that I can get my pony back from her loan home.


    Jaquie recomended the site to me and I already know Ems from other places.


    Well I am off to Nosy around a bit more, come and say welcome and I hope to hear alot more from you





    Hi Kate :flowers:

    Nice to meet you.

    Hope you enjoy the site as much as I do :biggrin:

    Fay :GroupHug:

  3. Buster is the most beautiful GSD. His owner Chris is a friend of mine who I got to know through walking Bruno and Zara. Buster, Bruno and Zara became very good friends, taking daily walks together.

    Chris and Buster were by our side through both Bruno and Zara becoming ill with Cancer and they mourned with me when I lost them. Buster still looks for his friends to this day.


    Buster has been backwards and forwards to the vets this past year with various illnesses and unfortunately a couple of weeks ago he was diagnosed with Lymphoma :mecry: He is undergoing chemotherapy treatment twice weekly but I can see how much weight he has lost and how he has slowed down and it breaks my heart :mecry:


    Chris is absolutely devastated as am I, he loves his best friend dearly. Please sent good thoughts for Buster.




    All 3 friends together, not such a happy picture as Bruno was recovering after having his spleen removed but it's the only one I have :(




    Lots of love, kisses and good thoughts to Buster, I hope he feels better soon

    Fay :flowers:

  4. Hi All,


    Well done on getting your father in law his special friend, I wish them a long happy time together


    We are still on the look out for a small lapdog for my dad, not given up hope yet :rolleyes:


    We are in Mansfield Nottingham.

    I have tried Pomeranian rescue, Poodle resue, and numerous rescue centers all to no avail.

    Hanna at Poodles in need may possibly have one soon, but nothing definate as yet.


    Any help would be appreciated please


    Regards Fay :GroupHug:

  5. I saw this on another forum and had to share, its wonderful, I wonder what with our postal strike if a child would get the same service here :closedeyes:




    Our dog, Abbey, died August 23, and

    the day after Abbey died, my 4 year old, Meredith,

    was SO upset. She wanted to write a letter to God so

    that He would recognize Abbey in heaven. She told

    me what to write, and I did.

    Then she put 2 pictures of Abbey in

    the envelope. We addressed it to God in Heaven,

    put two stamps on it because, as she said, it could

    be a long way to heaven. We put our return

    address on it, and I let her put it in the drop

    box at the post office that afternoon. She was

    absolutely sure that letter would get to heaven, and

    I wasn't about to disillusion her.

    So today is Labor Day. We took the

    kids to the museum in Austin, and when we came

    home, there was a package wrapped in gold on our

    front porch. It was addressed to Meredith. So...

    she took it inside and opened it. Inside was a

    book, When Your Pet Dies by Mr. Rogers (Fred


    Inside the front cover was the letter we

    had written to God, in its opened envelope. On the

    opposite page was one of the pictures of Abbey

    taped on the page. On the back page was the other

    picture of Abbey, and this handwritten note on pink


    'Dear Meredith, I know that you will

    be happy to find out that Abbey arrived safely and

    soundly in heaven. Having the pictures you sent to

    me was a big help! I recognized Abbey right away!

    You know, Meredith, she isn't sick anymore. Her

    spirit is here with me, just like it stays in your

    heart... young and running and playing. Abbey loved

    being your dog, you know.

    Since we don't need our bodies in

    heaven, I don't have any pockets to keep things in.

    So... I am sending you your beautiful letter back

    with the pictures so that you will have this little

    memory book to keep. One of my angels is taking

    care of this for me. I hope this little book will


    Thank you for your beautiful letter.

    Thank your mother for sending it. What a wonderful

    mother you have. I picked her especially for you.


    Signed, God


    This is a true story, I love that we have

    angels among us, some of them even work at the

    Post Office



    Thank god there are still some people out there who are sensitive and caring.

    Loved the story thanks for sharing it :biggrin:

  6. Bedtime, Who do you prefer to share with? your man/woman ... snoring stretching prodding etc


    or your dog? cuddly , warm and you dont even mind when they fart (its cute) ?


    Would love to know whats "normal" :biggrin:




    Normal for me is my 3 pomeranians, they are a lot more cuddly than my hubby lol :biggrin:



  7. My Father in Law is eighty nine, and lost his adored little Cairn about two years ago. It was his constant companion, he has never got over the loss.

    He would love an 'Oldie' to look after, and would pay someone to walk the dog (and he does have a small garden so it wouldn't be confined to the bungalow) but is realistic about his age. He couldn't afford huge Vet Bills either!

    I wondered whether he is too old to be considered as a permanent Fosterer, so that Vet's bills would be covered, and Rescue backup would be there if anything happened to him?

    He has an awful lot of love to give!

    Would welcome other's views about this.





    We are in a similar situation with my dad.

    He is 78, he lost his poodle several months ago and he seemed to be coping until my mum passed away 8 weeks ago. He really misses the companionship of his little dog more now as he would have been a great comfort to dad now.

    There are so many dogs in need of good homes we are looking for an older poodle or pomeranian, (probably where the elderly owner has died) for my dad to give a good home, maybe your father could do the same thing.


    Good luck

    Take care

    Fay. :flowers:

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