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Posts posted by Lainey

  1. I have just got my 3 new girls settled in- found a very nice couple close to me and went to see what they had and have now got 1 gold laced wyandotte, 1 blue silkie and 1 blue pekin, and most importantly derek has got his mojo back laugh.gif

  2. we never had a problem with bitches having first seasons, duke goes off his food a bit but was generally ok and didnt obsess with them, but they were kept seperate when we were not around. we just wait it out and go out for lead walks at quiet times and then a few months after season has finished have them spayed.

    she may get a bit promiscuous though!

    they are all different- Rio had dreadful problems with phantom pregnancy and again after spaying- awful time for her but she was ok in the end

  3. it's very strange-

    they take the frequency produced by the brand of cig you smoke, then flip it 180 degrees so it is the exact oppisite from your cig and put that frequency into you by placing electrodes on each wrist :wacko: :unsure:

    all very strange and it took me 2 years to decide if it reeked of the proverbial bull poo or if indeed the physics aspect meant that surely it must work its the same method of an opera singer breaking a crystal, by hitting the exact opposite frequency to the crystal and therefore cancelling it out, so it breaks.

    all i can say for sure is that i smoked my last cig at 9.30am had the treatment at 11am for 1 hr and was given some sucrose tablets charged with the same frequency to take 4x a day for a week and i have not had a cig and i have not had any physical craving at all as yet- this may change and i could be back smoking tomorrow but for now im doing well and praying that it continues to work


    personally i am getting used to being a non smoker- my brain still tells me to go for a cig at usual times but its just a message and not a craving. my lungs feel very clear- ive had no coughing! my skin already looks better and of course i dont stink any more, all great but i do miss not smoking, i smoked for 24 yrs and that will take a while to sort out in my head i think but i am taking it 1 day at a time


  4. I have the same virus in my rt eye- i have had it for 2 years and it has gradually knackered my eye, nothing stops it. ive had aciclovir cream and oral tablets. My eye is so bad that i need a graft- but i cant have a graft until the virus has stopped!!!!! which means my eye sight will deteriorate even further with every flare up.

    Before this i never had a cold sore in my life.

    Its a truly awful virus and i pity anyone with the misfortune to get it in any of its forms

    uv light it a main trigger for it.


  5. well i did stop for 10 weeks (a few years ago) with the patches then i had a freak out day and went and baught some fags. I havent been able to do it since but i do want to stop, unfortunately i have no will power :mecry:


    This therapy seems to be what i need (hopefully) its £195 with a free 2nd session within a 30 day period if it's needed but they said that very few people need it.

    It's definately a risk with the money, but if it works then its super cheap- i worked out that if i dont smoke for 8 weeks then that covers the cost of the treatment, but hopefully it will make me stop forever -a prospect that i find more than appealing

  6. I couldn't bring myself to despatch Derek my sulmtaler, so i admire you for being able to produce your own meat. Luckily my neighbours don't mind and i am very careful to make sure he doesn't wake anyone up- we did tell everyone to let us know if he was a problem and we would sort it but they all seem to enjoy the sound. I dont think they would make good eaters now anyway- the'd be tough as old boots by now :wub:


    We have a friend who was given a couple of RIR hens and they have terrorized his bull terriers and killed a couple of blackbirds and other birds whilst he has had them, i know chickens can be tough (Derek had a proper fight with 2 magpies and won and he's only small), but it surprised me that they are catching these garden birds in flight sometimes :unsure:

  7. My Rio tore her cruciate about 6 weeks ago- we went to the vets next morning (she did it late evening) and he said yes it was cruciate and he couldnt fit her in that day due to lots of surgery bookings but to bring her back the morning after when they would do the xrays then if all was ok operate at the same time so as not to put her out twice. She is now sound and happy as larry.

    Torn ligaments are extremely painful and should only be postponed when it is best for the dog

  8. hi i'm hoping someone can tell me if a 8ft(L) x 3ft(W) x 2ft(H) aquarium tank is ok in 10mm glass. My current tank is 4x2x2 and is 10mm glass but i need to know if its ok on the bigger size or not (it does have a double base 20mm)


  9. 20 years ago, Dyno Rod saved a stray puppy that was 8 weeks old, they found it wandering on an industrial estate when they came to fix drains on a farm i worked at- that pup was with me for 17 1/2 years, she was very lucky that they found her and were very concerned for her welfare.

    Maybe it is wrong for them to use the pup as publicity but for my old girl they did the right thing

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