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Kats inc

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Posts posted by Kats inc

  1. Morning :)


    Can sympathise about the vets visits.Bert's been twice this week with a high temp and painful back end.Jemima is back next week and I've got 3 due their boosters.


    Vet insurance pizzes me off too.I pay extra to insure her because Jemima is over 7 yet when they pay out they deduct 20% because she's over 7,what a rip off :angry:


    Car was serviced yesterday too so that's me brassic :laugh: :rolleyes:

  2. Morning :)



    Hugo hamster died in his sleep :mecry: Scamper free little man, I really will miss you :wub:


    Dreading telling Ceri :(


    I'm sorry Wendy :flowers: :GroupHug: Sweet dreams little Hugo :wub:


    Another :GroupHug: for Ceri.


    Insurance cheque for Jemima arrived this morning.Seeing as claim for Polly went in at exactly the same time I'm wondering why that's not here too.No doubt they'll try and wangle out of it :rolleyes:

  3. Hello:)


    Sandra I'm so sorry about Keira :flowers: :GroupHug:


    I am having space bar issues as Dylan decided to chewoffthe space bar :rolleyes: Little Bugger.


    I have had a lovely weekend with my visiting friend :biggrin: He has now gone back to work which has been a bit of a shock after 4 weeks in New Zealand.Serves him right I say :laugh:

  4. Hello :)


    Had a lovely time with my friend Karen in St Helens. Her dog is fab :wub: Will post pics when her hubby sends them.


    My friend is coming to stay for a couple of days on his way back home from New Zealand. He's rung to say he's landed and it's bloody cold here. Yes I know that I've been living here while you've been in the 30 degree heat in NZ :rolleyes:

  5. Morning :)


    I am waiting for my recall letter to arrive from toyota,for my car's 3rd recall since being new :angry: Not impressed. I booked it in for a service wednesday and then arranged to go and see my friend Karen in Liverpool the same day,what a twonk I am :rolleyes: :laugh:

  6. It is appalling that nothing is being done about your assailant, but now that the Trust have admitted the incident took place, can you not raise a complaint with the RCN?


    I am going to be replying to my letter asking them whether they (the PCT) will now be informing the NMC and will they be wanting a copy of my police report if they are doing so. What she did was gross misconduct according to their own policy and immediate suspension followed by dismissal should have been what happened.



    Rugby rugby rugby rugby rubgy rugby lalalalalalalalaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaa :whistle:

  7. would i get poked with the pointy stick if i mentioned the rugby :run4hills: :unsure:


    I already mentioned it so that's you and me both in detention :laugh:


    I mentioned my friend's dog a few days ago,she'd become paralysed in her back legs after hurting her back.I'm glad to report that after spinal surgery which was successful she's back home and managing to walk a few steps with someone supporting her back end with a towel ...fab news :biggrin: :biggrin:

  8. 'Ello.Had my parents here for a few days so not been about.


    Have had a letter from my PCT finally about the girl that assaulted me.After 13 months they finally admit she did it however they won't be taking any disciplinary action against her as she's left the Trust.I am fecking fuming :angry:


    But Yay for the England rugby result yesterday :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :D

  9. Morning :huh:


    Went to my mate's 30th birthday party over the road last night.I may have a slight headache this morning.Fun night though.


    World's gone all white here too.Snow started with a vengeance last night,couldn't believe how quickly it came down and covered the ground.





    Not the one I think it is? unsure.gif If it is, he must think you've got a very short memory!



    Yes the very same :rolleyes: Considering I was 'lucky he ever went out with me as I'd been out with a black guy' I think it's his memory that's obviously extremely poor :laugh:

  10. Morning :)


    Talking of ex OH's I invited mine round for coffee and to see Jemima.I'd always said I'd let him know how the cats were because he loved them to bits, and well,I felt he needed to see her.At the end of a nice evening of catching up he tried to bloody well kiss me ffs :rolleyes: :angry: Not impressed.I can be friends but no way am I going down that road again!!


    In diarrhoea news Humph seems to be a lot better and we had a poop free night :biggrin:

  11. Morning :tired:


    I've been up since 5am cos Humph had horrible diarrhoea right next to my bed :huh: Not the most pleasant of ways to be woken :sick01: Once I'd cleared that up he promptly threw up round the other side of the bed so I suspect he has a bug :( Poor Humph,he's never normally poorly.

  12. I'm not sure about her dog Phebe,she'd phoned me by mistake instead of phoning her neighbour and was in a bit of a panic about things so we didn't speak for long.I'll try and get hold of her later and find out.


    Hope your Polly feels better quickly :flowers:


    My Polly pooed in the bath again last night :rolleyes:

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