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Kats inc

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Posts posted by Kats inc

  1. :biggrin: I am picking 4 Russian Dwarf Hammies on Saturday - I now need to think of names :wacko: Any suggestions?


    Russian ballet dancers Rudolf Nureyev and Mikhail Baryshnikov for boys for example and Anna Pavlova and Olga Spessiivtseva


    I'll get me coat ............ :laugh:


    Boris, Igor, Rasputin & Dimitri :biggrin:


    Big :GroupHug: :GroupHug: for Shadow and Ben





    It's been one year to the day of Lisa's funeral :( :mecry:


    :GroupHug: :GroupHug:

  2. Glad Amber is doing better :flowers:


    One of my cats was diagnosed with a heart murmur a few years ago and apparently they can come and go between checks.Sometimes they can hear hers and sometimes it's not there.She is quite elderly too and it doesn't ever seem to have affected her so hopefully Amber will be the same :wub:

  3. Thanks for the advice, it's much appreciated :flowers:


    I actually know the DV worker in my area very well as I often refer young people to her. I've placed several young ladies into DV hostels in the past and even teach self-defence at the youth club- this is what I mean about feeling like a fraud! It's not so easy to recognise when it's happening to you though.


    Things have been quiet for the past couple of weeks now. I'd like to think that it means things are coming to a head, but I doubt it.


    Thank you for the links, I will look into them. :GroupHug:


    During my time of living with DV I was working with children and families who were subjected to DV,I was doing child protection work,I was a member of the Zero Tolerance to DV campaign and attended and supported the launch of that on live TV so know all too well that feeling of 'fraud'.It's easy to be objective with other people but not so easy when it's yourself :flowers:

  4. Morning :)


    Have had lovely few days with my Mum who has been visiting.Particularly poignant as 2 of my friends have lost their Mums in the last 2 weeks :(


    There is a plumber upstairs banging around with my radiators as I have a leaking joint :unsure: Oooer missus :laugh: Cats are slightly freaked except Dylan and Harvey who want to be his personal assistants :rolleyes:

  5. One night he tried to throttle me in the pub because I gave my friend (male) a kiss on the cheek when I first arrived. I hadn't seen him in over a year and it was literally just a friendly peck, but in my boyfriends mind I was a total tart and was secretly in love with him! That was actually the night that things came to a head and whilst he was throttling me something clicked in my mind and I ended up headbutting him- which knocked him to the floor and I was able to get away.


    There were various other incidents, but those are the ones that stick out in my mind for some reason.


    All of my friends were totally shocked whilst all this was going on as I am normally a strong person- mentally and physically, but I had become totally withdrawn and downtrodden. It's strange how much one person can completely change who you are. But at the time he convinced me that I was responsible for making him act in that way. He would also deny that things were ever as bad as I had made them out to be (as he often drunk when these incidents happened). After a while you start to believe that it is your fault.


    I also felt like a bit of a fraud at work as I was giving out relationship advice to the young people that I worked with whilst putting up with all this rubbish at home. But at the time I never saw any comparrison between my situation and theirs because my boyfriend was well educated and much better at manipulation.


    On a more positive note, although the harrassment is still on-going now (a year later), I feel like I have more-or-less returned to the person that I was before. I am also very lucky to have fantastic friends that look out for me.


    The fact that he tried to throttle you indicates that you were (and probably are) at risk from this man :GroupHug: :flowers: Don't feel that what you went through was any less than anyone else,it's all a living hell when you're going through it for each and every person.


    I would try contacting your nearest bigger police station and finding our where the nearest Family Protection Unit is based,they are often a lot more help that local police.They might also be called a Domestic Violence Unit or Public Protection Unit.But they deal with DV all the time so are more clued up on helping,local police tend not to be so knowlegable sadly.


    If you want help getting protection you could also try contacting National Centre for Domestic Violence who can help you get a non -molestation order if the harrassment is still continuing :flowers:


    Glad you're getting back to being you,it's a fab feeling isn't it :biggrin:


    I recently celebrated 10 years of ex abuser free life but I still have my moments of fear and anxiety.I don't think that fear ever truly leaves you even though it does 99.9% of the time.

  6. Hello :)


    Bertie came home limping yesterday so I phoned my friend as he has a habit of visiting them and falling into their garden and yes,sure enough he'd fallen 7ft off their fence like a twonk :rolleyes: and landed with a right bang.He is quite adept at holding his paw up in a woe is me style but it doesn't seem to have affected his appetite so I'm assuming he's ok really :wub: :laugh:


    I've had a call from New Zealand where I'm told the temperature has dropped from between 25 to 30 degrees and it is now cooler,how tragic :D



    That's a good check list, thanks :flowers:


    One improvement I can talk about which may prove useful for people to know about are the implementation of MARACs,multi agency risk assessment conferences.They are centered around the woman as a 'victim' (sorry hate that word) and designed to support her in any situation be that to stay in the home or escape via a refuge or alternative accomodation.They can put plans in place such as extra police visits, more home security such as panic alarms, safe rooms etc, specialist support via independant domestic violence advocates (IDVAs),help with legal action such as non molestation orders (what used to be a restraining order) and lots of other stuff like mental health input for the perpetrator etc.


    One of the questions we ask is if there has ever been an attempt to strangle or grab around the throat in any way. This is seen as a big risk indicator so please if this has ever happened to you then consider seeking help :GroupHug:

    More info re MARACs here


    Anyone can refer into them and you can self refer if you want to or go via your local police or IDVA.


    I attend ours regularly so if you want to discuss anything at all please PM me :flowers:

  8. Morning :)


    Another stupid letter from my managers on a saturday morning.When will they learn that I'm way past caring now and that trick is so predictable now I've learnt not to actually expect a letter on any other day of the week :laugh: :rolleyes:

  9. Hello :)


    Nige :GroupHug: Words seem so inadequate but you're both in my thoughts.


    I am feeling inadequate today as I am unable to help someone I love through shitty times because they are on the other side of the world :(


    To distract myself I am going out tonight and may have a few beers :D

  10. Afternoon :)


    I am mightily chuffed about Portsmouth winning their FA Cup quarter final tie this afternoon,we need something to smile about :biggrin: Sorry to any Birmingham fans :D


    Andrea yes it's been over 12 months but still my managers etc carry on this ongoing farce.It's got to be beyond ridiculous now.I don't keep you updated now because I've learnt not to trust anyone or anything regarding it.


    However I do have some fantastic people supporting me,indeed you do find who your true friends are and I've got rid of the poisonous venomous people who lied non-stop about me behind my back.Some of the stuff I heard repeated back to me about myself was quite beyond belief.


    I am incredibly lucky to have found a certain person via my good friend Karen who is very worldly wise about union business and has helped me fight my corner lots with my lot at work.

  11. Morning :)


    We lost Cozzie cat this morning mecry.gifShe was helped over to the Bridge at 9.30am and went peacefully. I first met her when she was a tiny abandoned kitten in a very poor state and not expected to survive. Cozzie Doodle had other ideas tho and we were together for 18 years. I'll do her a little tribute in Rainbow Bridge in a day or two. I made a complete tit of myself in the vets snottering and again in the garage when I met a friend who asked how I was rolleyes.gif


    I'm so sorry Marion :GroupHug: :GroupHug: Sweet dreams little Cozzie Pooseykatt :wub:


    Fed up fed up fed up fed up fed up :rolleyes: 2 letters sent to my useless work people with a 5 day deadline for a reply and have they replied? Have they feck :angry: Utterly fed up with this now.

  12. I was thinking poorly animals and vet trips then remembered that I have made 4 trips with two cats since January and am now looking at homeopathic vets and a demetologist. Sadly, the poorly cat had never required insurance so when M&S increased their insurance premiums drastically I stopped their insurance...hey ho...I always said no expense spared for them and that still stands.


    The lovely vet people though have contact a homeopathic vet for me and a dermatologists as they are at a loss as to why Cocoa is still scabby and that the steroids haven't worked. They, like me, would rather try everything else before giving him extra strong steriods that may or may not work, but will be horrible for him!


    I do like my vets :flowers:


    My neighbour gave me homeopathic tablets for Maddie when she was horribly scabby and they worked really well.Definitely worth a try in my experience :flowers: Hope Cocoa is a non-scabby cat very soon.

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