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lulu's mum

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Posts posted by lulu's mum

  1. thats all mine posted now, i hope they've all been recieved safe and well :flowers:


    I've been away on my hols, but the postie did try to deliver something last week. I expect it's the ragger toy, but it'll have to wait till the weekend before I can pick it up from the depot. Thanks, phoenix. :flowers:

  2. Our Bess had a second mild stroke a couple of weeks ago. She's already on vivitonin for the first stroke, but our vet's put her on Aktivait now. The vet said to give it a couple of weeks to see how she goes on with it. It's hard to know whether it's the Aktivait that's helping, but Bess is so much better now than she was at first. She's much more alert, and she's stopped walking into corners and staring at walls. So I'd certainly give it a try. I'm off googling now to find out about arnica. Fingers crossed for your girl - and mine. :GroupHug:

  3. Thanks again, for the info and good thoughts. I've moved the vets appointment forward to this evening, so I'm hopeful we might have a bit better idea of what's going on after that. I'm full of admiration for all of you who've been cheerfully looking after your dogs like this, I just hope I can do as well as you.

  4. Thanks so much for all your ideas and suggestions :flowers: . I'll certainly follow them up. We're due to see the vet soon for a checkup, so I'll talk things through with her then. At least Bess doesn't seem to be in any pain, and she still enjoys her food, her little walks with a lot of sniffing around, and cuddles. I've just put her to bed for the night, so fingers crossed we'll have a quiet one. :rolleyes:

  5. Sorry, this isn't a very cheerful subject, but does anybody have any tips on how to help an elderly dog who's going senile? Particularly in the past month or two, our old girl Bess has started showing several of the signs. She wanders aimlessly round the house and garden, or stands facing a wall for ages, or gets stuck in awkward corners and can't get out. I'm finding the worst thing is when she paces round and round in small circles, especially during the night (she sleeps in our bedroom). I don't know whether it's best to let her do it or try to stop her, which doesn't seem to work anyway. She's on vivitonin, but our vet doesn't seem to think there's much more to be done for her. I've never had any experience of this before, so if there's anybody with similar experiences I'd love to hear about it. I'm hoping to pick up a few practical ideas to help her through this. smile.gif

  6. Booja-Booja have sent the truffles out, so they should hopefully arrive within the next day or so :flowers:


    I gave them my address and I'll send on what's left once I feel sick :happy:


    I think they probably arrived yesterday, thanks to B-B, but I was at work. Just managed to get to the post office depot to collect them one minute after it closed today. Poor little truffles, they'll have to wait till Monday now to be liberated. :D

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