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Posts posted by Kimbas_mum

  1. Chondroitin reduces pain and inflammation, improves joint function and slows disease progression. It is believed to enhance the shock-absorbing properties of collagen(makes up cartilage) and block enzymes that break down cartilage. Currently there is no proof that it can reverse cartilage loss. It generally takes two to four months to work completely.


    Glucosamine provides the natural building blocks for growth, repair and maintenance of cartilage. Like chondroitin, it helps cartilage absorb water and keeps the joint lubricated.


    Hope that makes sense,


    Any questions feel free to PM me and I'll try to help!



  2. Gooster is right, it is made very hard for them to go wrong, and even if it does, on-one seems to mind, one of mine was having much fun running off round the field going to everyone except me!! everyone just laughed and we had another go!! It is great fun and I reckon your mob would love it.

  3. Just a quick update on Jasper's progress. My little boy is a star, he is now doing the sit and down to cue either with voice or hand signal or both and he has done them in several different places.


    I am really pleased with him cos I even took him into the class at training last night, I take my other 2 there but he has always been too scared to cope with all the people around. Last week I took him into the kitchen bit (looks out onto the training hall) and did a little bit of clicker with him and just let him look at what was going on, this week he was so calm about it all that I took him into the beginners class as it was quiet and he was a real star, he did his sits, downs and recalls on lead with no problems at all, he had lots of praise and my trainer (also a close friend) said how well he was getting on, so much so that he has suggested thining about doing the KC bronze with him, there are only 2 others doing it so it should be nice and quiet for him, will see how he gets on and work from there.


    Enough bragging for one post I think.


    Katherine and Jasper :wub:

  4. I am Katherine and I live just south of Manchester in Baguley. I live with Kimba, 2 year old Chocolate Doberman, Maddie, 2 year old saluki X, and Jasper, nearly 1 year old German Short-haired Pointer. I also own a fantastic horse called Apple who I have had since I was 15. I have fostered for WAW, my last one went to his new house yesterday after 4 months with me) and try to help out with transporting when I can fit it in around 3 jobs and all the animals!!

  5. She does have the odd mad moment with any toy around really, she willplay bow and pounce on things and even pick them up and carry them round with her, but only to get the boys to chase her (she is a proper tart!!). I will keep working on her to see if I can get her to think holding stuff is fun, we will get there in the end.

  6. Hi all, just thought I would write down how I am getting on with my mission to get Maddie the beautiful lurcher to retrieve. I took her to her first flyball practise on Saturday with Kimba and she had no problem with the jumping and running bits, it is just the whole ball idea that didn't really work!! I am now on a mission as she will be really good at it if I can convince her it is a good idea!!


    I have started clicker training her and have got as far as her touching the rolled up socks (what she chose to look at when I threw a load of stuff in the air for her!!) to ask for a treat. I will now put something tasty inside it to try to get her to get closer to picking it up.


    Any ideas would be welcome for helping on this mission.




    Katherine & Maddie



  7. Kimba was managing to do the full run of jumps, collect the ball and run back down over the jumps too, really good and fast over the jumps, but is a bit worried about the box, well he is only little and it is a very big scary box (or so he thinks, he is actually a rather large doberman!!)

  8. And Kimba loved it, I can see much fun and amusement on it's way, and apparently I will be doing my first competition at Easter, that shuold be fun!!!


    If anyone is even slightly considering having a go, DO, the dogs really enjoy it and it is great fun for us handlers too.


    Thanks a lot Gooster, I had a really good morning.


    Katherine and Kimba

  9. Thats great, thanks, I'm going to have to approach slightly differntly to get the down anyway I think because you can't lure him into a down and he can't cope with any physical contact - other than stroking on his terms only (was a very, very scared little boy, now much better). I was thinking of waiting for him to lie down on his own then c/t for that, encourage him to move then c/t when he lies down again. Do you think that might work?

  10. I started clicker training my youngest about a week ago, I tuned him into the clicker then started with the sit which he now does very nicely on command every time wherever we go.


    My question is: how do I go onto the next exercise (down) without undoing the sit work? How do I continue to reward the sit when I ask for it and still get the down? I guess the question is what do I do next?


    Thanks all



  11. Fantastic, I'll try to come along this weekend then, I'll be the loon showing up with a large pick up and 3 mad dogs!!!


    Hopefully see you then.




    PS. What is your name? (I don't really fancy asking for Gooster!!)

  12. I live just South of Manchester (near Altrincham) and would love to try flyball, not sure which dog I would do it with, wither Kimba or Jasper (Dobie or GSP). Is there any limit to the size of dogs allowed to do it (large Dobie), does anyone know where my nearest club is and how I can contact them to find out about practise and how much it is likely to cost?


    Thanks a lot knowledgeable peeps



  13. This is going pretty well with Kimba, just one question, how do you get a very long dog (big Dobie) to spin outwards with slightly less enthusiasm so that he doesn't take your knees out on the way round and then looks at you to ask why you are in a heap on the floor?!!!

  14. This sounds like great fun never done it before but will have a try:


    Handler: Kimbas_mum

    Dog: Kimba

    Breed: Doberman

    Age: 2

    Joined Challenge: week 1


    Handler: Kimbas)mum

    Dog: Maddie

    Breed: SalukiX

    Age: 1

    Joined Challenge: week 1


    Handler: Kimbas_mum

    Dog: Jasper

    Breed: GSP

    Age: nearly 1

    Joined Challenge: week 1

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