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Posts posted by wiccaweys

  1. Throughly fed up! It was lovely this morning and I had my lesson booked for 2.30 this afternoon.

    1.45 the heavens opened and we had torrential rain here. Followed by some lightning, so I rang Catherine and we re-arranged for next week.

    I was really looking forward to doing the 'trail' exercises we started last week and had been practising all week. POOH!

    I swear I saw Lady T in the field with a rain stick!


    On another note, if I can persuade Lindsey to come over soon and check out the superdooper bridle path again with me, would anyone local'ish to Northants be interested in a 'Hooves & Boots' ride?

  2. Thank you everyone for my birthday wishes. :)


    I've survived the Royal Visit from Mother...! Just!


    I've had some lovely pressies from my most favourite little person in the whole wide world, dear Isacc. A Dalek Cookie Jar and a Dalek Air Freshner for the car. Fantastic!

    I may have been a very big child today when the postman turned up with the parcel from Isacc, with Doctor Who stickers all over it!


    Now I'm off for some more birthday torture, via minging puppies!

  3. :GroupHug: Get well soon Wanda :GroupHug:


    I am a bit like this :boldred: at the moment.


    Following on from our great lesson on Friday, Her Ladyship and I tacked up and entered the Wiccaweys Schooling Area for Overweight Horses and Riders (read as my newly reclaimed oblong area - one woman, a push-along petrol mower and sheer determination!)


    This was a huge thing for me to do (and I feel like a plonker saying this in here) as I haven't been able to do any riding 'alone' since the confidence left home and flew to Mars.

    Groundwork, yes. Riding, ohhhh no, not without company and a safety net.


    I couldn't believe it. The Queen Bee was as good as gold! She's always good and kind, but Lindsey, even more amazing - she 'worked', and she worked properly - without bribery, corruption or any donuts being harmed during the course of the session! I didn't know whether to laugh, cry, jump up and down, or just whoop with delight when we'd finished - so I ended up doing all of them - mostly crying though.


    We did all the exercises that we did on Friday with Catherine, and Lady T was just a total star. She had her head down(?) like you and Catherine talk about Lindsey, and was fab.

    She was doing all the flection exercises brilliantly and all the other exercises too. I was so proud of her, for doing that for me.


    It sounds so minor writing it here, so basic, but I am just over the moon and so thrilled with T and myself. We were both all ready to do the same again today, but then just as I finished dog stuff for the day, the farmer decided to come in with the tractors and was doing stuff in the fields next to us. Tara doesn't like tractors, so I decided to wait until tomorrow. I can't wait!!

  4. I was lucky enough to visit the Wiccs horses today and Sarah Wiccs deserves a very big thumbs up for the lesson with her instructor. You've come on so much S in your confidence and Lady T was working really nicely for her Mum (and Lady T isn't one to work for nought!) :wub: :wub:


    :) Thank you for coming over to have a laugh watch. Thank you for sniggering discretely. :wink:

    Lady T is still smarting from the 'I see you haven't had the foal yet Tara' comment, but she forgives you and sends garlic kisses.

    And Lady T read that as working for a Do-nought, which of course, she is MORE than happy to do. :wink:

    If you could just stop by the bakers on your next visit, she says that would be lovely.


    Little Millie MONSTER says sorry Auntie Lindsey - I really luffs my goaties.

    Mummy's fat bum kept mine on the ground, that and the fact cowardy custard was on a lead rein with me - WIMP!!

    But you is as light as a feather and WHOOO-HOOOO!! Rodeo time! :wacko:

    Apparently I is in the bad books now and it was naughty, so why did Mummy kiss my nose last night and give a big sigh?


    Pops says when he isn't his Super Hero alter-ego, The One Shoe Wonder, or Hop-a-long-Faker-Man, will you come over and ride him up the bridle path with Mummy & SHE WHO MUST BE OBEYED please?


    The foalie pics are gorgeous, I am slightly obsessed with coming back and looking at them.


    Fantastic pics Clare, I am more than slightly envious of folks who can actually ride and do exciting stuff. In my dreams......... oh well.

    (But not mine! Never, ever in a million years, someone pass me a sandwich, she's dreaming of going over something more than a twig! Love, Lady Tara)

  5. Mony was so impressed with Pop's play dead joke he thought he'd do it too! Made his Aunty nearly have a heart attack!



    It must be catching!

    Mony! :ohno02: :laughingsmiley: You tease!


    The Old Fraud more commonly known as Pops is looking better. He is moving much better now, so fingers crossed he is just a big girls blouse and only had a bruise toe!

    Although it hasn't slipped our notice that when he thinks his medicine is on the horizon, and in his special medicine treat food, he has been known to pop in an 'oh I have a poorly hoof' and wave it at me! Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.


    Tara's mission this week is to work out how to get her hoofs on the entire tub of garlic HorsLyx, and not have to share any of it with anyone.

    She is muchly looking forward to Auntie Reds visit this week, when she can be spoilt as a lady of her status should be!

  6. Hello Palomino, Alfie & Candy are lovely. :)


    The Wiccs horses are having a competition to see who can scare me the most at the moment.


    Pops has a poorly foot and a worried Mummy! He went out for a hack on Tuesday with our old vet nurse while I had my lesson at home, he came back and was untacked no worries, but as he walked back to the field he went lame. :( We couldn't see anything obvious in his foot.


    Worried Mummy called the vet and farrier immediately and the vet came out first thing on Wednesday. They couldn't see anything obvious either. Pops did rather like the attentions of the nice young lady vet though. Tara was most put out that he was getting garlic lick and she wasn't. She breathed heavily in my ear whilst keeping an eye on the proceedings and what Hilda the vet was up too..... "you are an awfully young vet - are you sure you are qualified? Couldn't they have sent a male vet? I like male vets... Beside's He's putting it all on you know - so he gets extra treats!" Hilda left Pops with some bute and arranged to come back today as Jim the Farrier was coming yesterday to take Pops' shoe off, in case he'd got an abcess under it and have a good look around.


    Jim got his shoe off and couldn't see anything abcess like, but he did see a smidge of bruising. Pops foot also felt a bit warm round his heel, so Jim thinks he's either stepped on a sharp stone and bruised himself, and/or he has navicular(?). Worried Mummy burst into tears. I know, I know....


    Tara obviously now believes Pops has a hurty hoof as she is being nice to him(!) even in front of people, and she is guarding him and protecting - from what I have no idea, but she chased off a very scarey pheasant that was sneaking up on him yesterday, and planted herself in front of him and snorted in a 'clear off' kinda way when one of the cats walked towards him!


    While Jim was here I got him to check out Little Milly's hooves as worried Mummy now in complete panic mode on Lame Tuesday had decided her frogs were falling off, and didn't like the look of them. Jim told me she was shedding her frogs as she was changing her coat and it was ok, but very scarey if you'd not seen it before. Worried Mummy burst into tears again and Jim had to give me a big hug! What a twit! Jim tidied her up and said he'd much rather people get him out and it be nothing to worry about, then people who leave things and then he has to say "why didn't you call me or the vet before?"


    Pops personal physician phoned twice yesterday to see how he was doing - I think Hilda has a soft spot for the old man. She is supposed to be on small animals today, and it was going to be one of the other vets coming to see him, but she's phoned and left a message to say that she is sneaking out at the end of consulting to come and see Pops herself! Awwwwwww.


    Please send Pops hurty hoof get well thoughts, Little Milly some cuddles, Mummy some prozac and Tara a food parcel for all the extra work she is having to do!

  7. Pops Stinks by Lady Tara, aged 24


    Obviously, a lady would never do anything to upset her Mother, and HE made me do this! It had nothing to do with me topping up my tan.




    Worm your way into Mummy's good books by glaring intently at the devious Pops, and snorting muchly in disapproval at his dastardly teasing.




    Shake your head (because I'm worth it stylee) at his slobbish behaviour.




    Console Mummy and whisper horsey love messages to her, whilst pointing out that Pops stinks and will never, ever love her as much as you do.



  8. How to scare your Mother Sh*tless on a Sunny Sunday Afternoon by Pops, aged 21 and 3/4's


    If you hear her mentioning the 'loaning' word again, and because she let Sparkle ride you yesterday - revenge is sweet - give her a heart attack!




    The stress levels can be raised even more if you are adept at holding your breath for a few seconds and can let your mouth go all limp!




    When you have made her suffer enough, put her out of her misery, and get up with a smirk on your face!




    When the silly bint has stopped shaking, allow her to take a glamourous photo of you looking gorgeous - make sure your mane is covering up your missing eye - if you have a missing eye obviously!





    Pete, now called Paddy (was homed as a pair with his best mate Bingo) went missing at about 5pm this evening from Cuckoo's Hollow, in Werrington, between Welbourne and Lakeside, off Fulbridge Road in Peterborough.



    Pete/Paddy is a short coated black and white collie.

    He is neutered and microchipped to Wiccaweys.






    His family are still out searching, and his dad is going out now to lay scent trails around the area Paddy went missing from after just talking to us.

    If Paddy isn't found tonight, we suspect he will hole himself up for the night. We have advised they are at the area he disappeared from at dawn with very smelly food and Bingo to see if Paddy shows himself. If Paddy is still missing in the morning, we would all appreciate any help with the search from local folks.


    Paddy's dad Pete Jordon can be contacted on: 01733 571134 / 07742 592490 at anytime if you can help.

    Our number is: 07905 203254.


    Come home Paddy.

    Details & email sent to DOGLOST.



    My missing mod box arrived this morning


    After fighting my way in, I found


    A Collie cushion cover

    A collie scarf

    4 dog toys

    4 doggie treats

    2key rings

    A clicker

    A ped

    A candle

    2 postcards and a greetings carc

    A car sticker

    An air freshener

    AWiccaweys ribbon


    Thank you so much Wiccaweys, and all concerned for tracing the box


    Am I pleased ?







    You've missed something in there.... look again....

  11. Wendebert sent me a lovely gift which was waiting for me when I got home....


    :mecry: :mecry: :laugh: :laugh: :mecry: :mecry:


    OMG, I'd forgotten about her!! Lovely as ever I see.

    Brings back memories of San flying through the air in slow motion, and muchly sniggering by us both at the local car boot whilst searching for tempting auction treasures such as the above. Only a week to the car boot sale starts again, I'll see if I can find you the rest of her family Snowball, so she doesn't feel lonely. :) :wink:


    Fantastic to meet Laura & co yesterday - I hope you were pleased with our Jakey-Man. :) I did notice the tribe soon had you both in ball throwing position!

    Thank you so much for the sewing machine, Carol is very excited about it.


    Brill as always to see the Sqiggs. We were very honoured with a visit from Miss Gertie Squirrel herself. Mark Sqigg is a big fibber!! He slanders Miss Gertie Squirrel! She was a nice as pie to him, and he was picking her up and cuddling her..... she didn't as much as grumble! No claws or violence at all - I was MUCHLY disappointed! She looked like a positive angel with Mark. Mind you, Mark was being protected by the positiviely HUGE Winnie St Bernard, who was also muchly interested in Gertie, but I am sure that didn't have anything to do with Gertie's good behaviour. :)

  12. Its a very small independant rescue and they are full to busting with no funds :(


    I'm sorry, but that isn't the point and excuses like that make me REALLY angry. If people are rescuing dogs and rehoming them, then they need to be there for the lifetime of the dog. Not let one of their dogs end up in a pound. That isn't rescue.

    We are a small independantly run rescue and there is NO WAY on hell I would let that happen to one of our dogs.


    If he hasn't been sorted, please pass on our telephone number to the brother and we will take Dylan here, however as he is another rescues dog, I will want it in writing from that rescue that they are relinquishing responsiblity/ownership or whatever their paperwork states and signing him over to Wiccaweys.

  13. Try the Wiccs Kennel Cough remedy, now don't laugh, it works. Wiccs folks swear by it for dogs and humans. :)


    Wiccaweys Witches Brew for Kennel Cough


    Liquorice Root (available in most health food type shops)




    Stick 2 bits of Liquorice Root in a mug and pour on boiling water.

    Leave to brew for 10 minutes. Water will turn yellow - looks like wee!

    Take Liquorice Root out and leave to dry out, to be used again.

    Add honey to the liquid and stir well.

    Add a little milk and stir well.

    Give to the dog warm.

    Dose them up 4 - 5 times a day.


    You can also add the mixture, without milk, to the dog’s water bowl.


    Good for humans for sore throats and coughs too.

    If you prefer, you can add the liquid to a cup of boiled milk instead of adding a little milk.)

    You can add a little drop of whisky as it helps aid sleep, in dogs and humans!

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