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Posts posted by hushpuppy

  1. Well, I'm going to be very controversial and confess that I couldn't care less about her. All she's famous for is being stupid, ugly, fat, gobby and racist. I think she's a complete attention seeker, loads of people have cancer and don't make such a song and dance about it. As for the sham marriage to the chav boyfriend, it's not very long ago that he called her 'the cashpoint' in the media while he was off with other women. He's going to be quids in when she's gone and, I assume, that's all he's bothered about.


    The woman has no dignity or pride and all this media hype is engineered to get her the sympathy vote so people who are nicer than me forget what an obnoxious creature she has proved herself to be time and time again.


    This might sound mean, I don't care, I'm not going to say nice things about somebody I can't stand just because she's dying of an illness that millions struggle with every single day.

  2. The previous post was put on another forum last week.


    Since then large teams of people have been out in Shining Cliff woods to try to find this dog. The situation is desperately urgent so we really need lots of help to cover the area. I spent a total of 7 hours walking up there this weekend.


    Here is a link to the search topic with details of the latest sightings and the best places to be looking.


    search details


    Please please please would anybody who can get to this area please do so. If you can and are lucky enough to see the dog please call 07758 709337 or 07920 528554 immediately.


    I cannot stress how important it is that we find this dog so if you can help please spare some time.


    Send pm if you need more directions or information.

  3. "There have been distressing developments. Inra was, it seems, seen on Saturday afternoon in Oak Hurst woods, on the west side of the Derwent from Ambergate (ie south of Shining Cliff Woods). Two ladies were walking four rowdy dogs whose presence drew Inra out - but a huge Chocolate Lab greeted him by jumping on top of him and by the time all four dogs had ben brought under control Inra had vanished. He was described as being pathetically emaciated, barely able to walk with his hind legs, like a very ancient and arthritic dog - still wearing a red collar and obviously in the last stages of decrepitude. The two women realised it was Inra, having read about him in the Belper News; they searched for him for the next two-and-a-half hours till darkness, then came back the next day and searched again but to no avail.


    Exasperatingly they phoned the council out-of-hours service, who took a message but didn't tell them it wouldn't be passed to the Dog Wardens till Monday (so I was only informed on Monday afternoon, too late even to get up there before dark). They also phoned the police, who misplaced the piece of paper they noted the call down on, only rediscovering it on Wednesday morning (for God's sake.....) when they eventually phoned me.


    Myself and another volunteer searched Oak Hurst on Tuesday morning (and the old wireworks by the river). We went back on Wednesday, set up a barbecue to fill the woods with food smells and played a tape of barking dogs which I'd recorded at the RSPCA centre early that morning. But no sign of Inra. The woods are huge, steep, rocky, slippery with mud....there's no food there for him, so no reason for him to stick around...He must have crossed the bridge at Whatstandwell to get into them and come down through Shining Cliff Woods, but where he is now is anybody's guess. Saturday night was murderously cold, with ice on the ground by Sunday morning. It sleeted on Sunday morining too.


    We've leafleted the whole of Ambergate, but there's a very strong feeling of closing the stable door after the horse has bolted. We may try the barbecue and tape again....I phoned his brother's owners in Buxton, to see if they could bring him down to the wood in the hope of his picking up a scent, but they aren't available till the weekend at the earliest (and it looks like raining then anyway).


    It's really looking very grim. The dog is evidently on his last legs. He may even be dead. Surrounding farms have been fed his details, but I really do fear we may hear nothing more of him now. I hope to be proved wrong, though. People will be looking for him in the woods again today."

  4. What's happening with this guy? Is there any kind of coordinated search being organised? I followed his story a little while ago but then lost track of it. A dog this scared is going to be really difficult to catch. Has anybody put traps out where he was last seen. I fear for him in this cold weather with little body weight and I feel that trapping him with food is the only way he's going to get got. If loads of people are tramping around he's just going to be driven away.


    I live quite near Belper and I would be happy to come and help but I don't know the area very well. Please send me a message if I can help.

  5. Dane was on Oldies Club for rehoming for ages and I have followed his story for a few years now since he was first rescued after suffering terrible cruelty at the hands of his previous owner.


    He then disappeared off the rehoming list and I contacted someone and was told that he had developed heart problems and was going to live out his life in kennels rather than go through all the stress of settling into a new home.


    My question is, is Dane still alive and, if so, how is he doing? I would love to catch up on his story so if anybody out there knows, please tell me what happened to him.

  6. Pleased to hear that Mal is getting some treatment. I have a feeling that he'll go on for years, he doesn't let any of this get to him, does he?


    I also have a feeling that he's going to be the best fed dog in the country!!


    Lots of love and luck to you both from me and Sadie.

  7. The cancer hasn't spread :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:


    We've just got back from the vet's. Madam had her stitches out and was as good as gold. They said that the lump was just calcified fatty tissue and nothing to worry about. She has been discharged and doesn't have to go back unless I'm worried about anything.


    I'm so happy :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:


    The only thing is, the vet said that the lump was probably caused by some sort of trauma but I've racked my brains and I can't think of any times when she could have hurt herself. Weird, but I'm just glad she's OK.

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