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Everything posted by Alison

  1. What's margarine and more to the point why is margarine? Anything less than butter is sacrilege! Try same receipe with GOOD butter (unsalted Swiss Alpine is my preference due to the lactic process used and pasture-fed cows that produce it but I'm a real addict/connoiseiur who regularly eats 250g raw by the slice) . As you might divine, I'm something of a fanatic
  2. See what I mean - completely and unreasonably prejudiced against gingas
  3. Wicked and evil Auntie Claz claims that he is NOT a sighthound I just know there's an element of that in his beautiful mix and have some photos to prove it! I'll post them when I've got time and not just had a 3 hour powercut. Leccy restored, Sol and I are now off to read in bed in our smoking jackets and Wee Willie Winkie hats
  4. I used to joke that my boyfriend had a Party 7 (gawd, how much does that date me) rather than a 6 pack He's my ex now - wonder why
  5. It's not cat-specific - my dog (ginga mutt Sol) is sitting in his chair looking at me as though I'm Cruella de Ville for making him go out for his bed time walk in the rain, notwithstanding the fact that I put his coat on and held an umbrella over him!
  6. Bed can wait a few moments longer - here are a couple of quickies of my Ginge (Sol) Whaddya reckon?
  7. Been meaning to get around to it for ages and will introduce myself properly in the introducey place at some point soon but in the meantime, who IS that beautiful smooth ginga hound right of shot? I'm the delighted owner of his gorgeous double! Seriously, his resemblance to my boy is so uncanny that if you told me you'd lost a dog last July (when he found his way to me), I'd think it was him. Off to hit the hay now but I'll post photos later in the week - see what you think.
  8. Way too much time indeed – chance would be a fine thing! I was at work, taking a breather from a heated video conference with some stroppy bureauprats in Luxembourg, rarely log on here and decided I needed a reality check to restore my sanity before returning to the fray. Dunno quite how I stumbled across this thread and certainly had no idea that it was an old one or that I’d inadvertently resurrected it; as you might have divined from my post, I’m not really very switched on about dates to put it mildly! The suggestions for environmentally friendly forms of feminine front bottom comfort, hygiene and contraception all sound wonderful but as I’ve not managed to organise myself in these areas over the last 30 years I suspect I’m beyond hope. My hormonal train is fast pulling out of Fertility Central so I’ve probably not got many more spells of a toilet roll stuffed gusset to face before the menopause now anyway. I take the pill (helps keep a bit of meat on my hips) and am as regular as clockwork so I’m clueless as to quite how this monthly occurrence always manages to creep up and surprise me as it does. Must be something to do with time flying and enjoying myself. BTW, there was once an “incident†at my mother’s house where my improvised arrangement escaped down my trouser leg due to knicker elastic failure, emerging at my ankle. Mater insisted that I use one of her sanitary towels (along with a pair of her apple-gatherers, aka sturdy sensible undies) and I swear upon all that is holy, never again. It was like having a mattress in my pants and I spent the entire afternoon walking around in a John Wayne stylee, much the amusement of my giggly young niece – bitch! Good job I’m better at shovelling sh*t than I am with womanly matters, eh Claz?!
  9. Tampons? Pads? Mooncups? Crikey you lot are organised! Please tell me I’m not the only one who somehow manages to forget this regular occurrence and ends up with bog roll in their knickers for the duration.
  10. Sol was a death row poundie who found his way here from Rochdale Dog Rescue via White Lodge - thank goodness!
  11. Alison

    New To The Refuge

    Here is Sol, new to The Refuge and helped into his forever home by Rochdale Dog Rescue via Claz at White Lodge. He loved the snow!
  12. Here is Sol grabbing life with both paws as usual and enjoying the snow
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