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Posts posted by akitas

  1. Some hydropools have something like a "water treadmill". So the dog is not actually swimming, but walking in the water. It is none weight bearing exercise, so easier on their joints.

    Do you know if he might be overweight because of a medical condition, thyroid, etc. Maybe worth checking it out.


    But definately worth looking in the different kind of "water exercise". Even if he doesn't "love" them, they might help him to stay healthy and get some fitness back.

    From experience I know, the heavier you get, the more you avoid exercise :(

  2. I am sorry that you had such a bad encounter :GroupHug: :GroupHug:

    Some people are just idiots and she seems to be one.

    The best to ignore what she said. Maybe she has the need to feel important and these sort of comments make her feel good.


    I am a member of a Border Collie forum, where the main thinking is, if you don't have sheep- you shouldn't have a Border Collie. With playing balls and frisbee you turn your dogs into mad dogs and Agility, Obedience etc is not good/ enough for your dog.

    People who have BC from Show lines don't have "Border Collies". Thinking about it, quite discriminating, like the remark you had to suffer. Some people are just ignorant, and they seem to be everywhere. Forget it!


    Harry is the cutest little thing and you are a wonderful person for giving him a home :GroupHug: :GroupHug:

  3. So when I am traveling with kids under the ago of 2 I don't need to pay at all, as they don't get a seat???? Would be lovely.

    Just too bad I always had to pay and had them on my lap.

    What about people with long legs, pushing their leg underneath the seat in front and taking away that space for the person in front of them....


    I think in general airlines should allow more space per passnger, so we can all sit comfortably, but then it would be more expensive :(

  4. My ex partner is a martial arts instructor. And while we were together I watched quite a bit boxing, thai boxing etc.

    First I wasn't too delighted, but after I started kickboxing myself and started to identify certain punshes and techniques it became much more interesting, but actually only those fights which were technically interesting.

    On Eurosport they sometimes showed the youngsters and as they were rather "bad" in technique it was less interesting.


    I think as in any sport you will find corruption and abuse, but to get to the top, you have to train really hard and need a lot of ambition, no matter where (class) you are coming from.

    My ex partner was quite good in competition in his "prime time" (long ago), but is not really from working class back round, nor are the guys he started to run a club with.

  5. You lot are bad..... I would never do anything like that. Well, up till Nina moved in.... ;-)


    To make settling in easier for Nina she was allowed to sleep in my room, then on my bed.... Now I don't dare to move in the night anymore not to wake her up.... :wacko:

  6. Is there an implicit assumption in your first line that I must be speaking from ignorance / have been fortunate enough to have lived the idealic childhood with two parents constantly present & happily married? :unsure:


    I didn't & one of my parents had a far harder up bringing than I did in that sense


    In your second paragraph, sadly, as far as I can see we agree with each other


    I really couldn't comment on your last one, never having met or even spoken to you :flowers:



    I meant that in an ideal world we would all do what is best for us and our children, but it doesn't always work that way.

    I never planned to get divorced. Never planned to be a single mother and never expected my (ex)husband not to care about our children anymore.


    I think we have all these ideals when we start a relationship, but unfortunately sometimes reality catches up with us in form from unemployment, psychological problems, health etc....


    Lucky you having grown up with both parents. From my own experience kids are very adaptable to new situation, very much like dog :wink: (Just kidding)

  7. Fortunately for me I wasn't born then so could only speculate on that. Generally however I do believe that children benefit from a good male and female role model. In war situations it's perhaps different but I certainly wouldn't have children and then go and work away from them by choice myself even if that meant a lesserstandard of living. I think the fathers doing so miss out as well as the child.


    In an ideal world that is all wonderful, but when it comes to paying bills, surviving, you might consider your todays point of view.

    Strange enough when it comes to separation in a relationship, money seems to be much more important to some partners then the children they have helped to bring into this world.


    And it is not only war or working away that can take one parent.

    My father died when I was 3 years old. Now you know why I am so screwed up :unsure: :wink:

  8. Society has changed from what is was ten even twenty years ago - it seems as if you have not. "

    I know this is straying from the original point of the post, but just thought that I'd comment on this...yes they may be well adjusted in an environment where they are the norm.....but they aren't necessarily accepted where they aren't. I've read in our local paper a couple of times recently of lesbian couples who are having to move because of the hostile reaction of their neighbours, and on a personal level, a colleague of my husband is a transsexual (male to female) living with another woman and her daughter. They have had to take the girl out of school and homeschool her because of the level of bullying, and they are selling their house because of the continual egg throwing and graffiti, not to mention damage to their cars, in the area where they are. So...some of society may have changed..but not all, I'm afraid. The girl in this case, who is thirteen or so I think, is so affected by it they think she will need to see a therapist, and my husband's colleague has been off work for the past five weeks with no sign of coming back yet with stress.


    I don't think bullying is down to the sexual preference of the parents. Kids today look for victims and pick whoever seems "useful" for them.

    If you have fat/thin mother/father, a short or tall, if you have a speech problem, wear glasses etc.

    All of my kids were bullied at school, some more, some less. I think it has more to do with that they can get away with it.



    To the original question, I agree with what has been said before. The 2 women decided to have a child. They should be mainly responsible. As one seem to be financially reliable on the other (in looking after the child) the "remaining" one should provide.

    If the biological father is involved in the upbringing of the child he should help to provide as well, but I see the main responsibility with the other mother.


    Very sad story and I feel sorry for the child not only being rejected by 1 parent, but by 2 :(

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