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Posts posted by akitas

  1. A friend of a friend of mine obtained 2 Border Collie puppies, then realising it just doesn't work out with 2 lively puppies.


    So I offered to take him on foster and look for a new home for him.


    Hugo (sorry about the name) is crate trained and his house training comes along nicely. He is very clever and likes to do things. He will be long coated. His parents were both KC registered, but I don't think he is.

    He is a gorgeous classical marked collie.

    He is good with children and other dogs.His recall is not too bad, unless there are other dogs around. He is friendly to strangers and strange dogs, but sometimes get spooked by sudden noises and then barks. But he is getting better.

    I think he wasn't taken out that much.

    He sleeps through the night, what I find very considerate of him ;)


    His mum, if I remember correctly, did obedience and I am sure he would like to do something as well.


    Are there any collie enthusiasts out there who are looking for a healthy, happy, curious puppy without any hang ups?


    He needs to be neutered when old enough. I think he was only homeopathically vaccinated. He will be microchipped prior to rehoming.


    He can go to a new home after a successful homecheck. As I am doing this all on my own I would prefer a home in the South East, but if I could get assistance with the homecheck he could go anywhere in the UK.


    I ask for a donation to a rescue of my choice :)








  2. I started reading the thread not being aware it is already 2 years old, but obviously a very emotive subject.


    I was just wondering if the same people who are pro life ( maybe not on this forum) are the same who then get worked up about young single mother on benefits who have children and take up all the council house ;-) ???


    Ian, I can understand your opinion from a men's point of view, but...... Life is not black and white and not only drunken or raped people have to make difficult decisions.....


    When I was married (so in a relationship with a well earning husband) I fell pregnant again. This was unplanned, due to failure in contraceptives.


    I just had returned back to University, had organised my children and was truly happy about moving forward. For me it was devastating news to be pregnant again, beside my relation ship started slowly breaking up.. (Though I wasn't aware of that at the time ) and we had cases of Spina Bifida in the family and every pregnancy was always coupled with worries.


    So I had to make a decision about what to do. My then husband was delighted to have another child, mainly because he was a control freak and didn't like me to go to University and meet other people.


    It wasn't an easy decision. I decided to keep the baby. The pregnancy was horrible, not and easy delightful one, giving birth was horrible, not a nice experience as the other 2, and the baby was premature and not healthy.

    I put all this down to stress and guilt I felt (about still not really wanting and loving the child).

    Beside being delighted my husband didn't contribute at all to the ""Family" except earning money. He didn't babysit so I could have some time to relax (which I yearned for with another toddler and a 6 year old and no family living close, he wouldn't even pay for a babysitter)


    Anyway, the baby was born, survived, a year later the relation ship broke up and today he doesn't give a thing about his kids.


    It was then my decision (though we discussed it between us) to keep the baby, but if he had had a right to make a decision, he would have used it as another way to control me.


    And yes, I had counselling and was told the option I had to keep the baby (support etc, which was close to nil )


    I had a choice and I would wish this choice to every woman in the world. And there will always be people abusing the right, but I don't think the majority of women will make this decision lightly.

    It is a responsibility to carry through with a pregnancy, which mainly lies with the mothers.


    Sorry for the long post :wacko:

  3. At todays walk we lost Kioko, she got scared, slipped her collar and ran off. Though we spend another 2 hours looking for her we couldn't find her. She is on Doglost now.

    Just in case anybody is in the West/East Sussex area, we lost her in the Ashdown Forest not far away from the "Long" car park. But I guess she could be anywhere now :mecry:



  4. My dogs travel behind a dog guard in the boot of my car. I have a tailgate guard as well, to stop them jumping out.

    Saying that, I once transported a puppy, which was so scared in the boot, that it poo'ed and pee'ed everywhere and screamed it's head off. Which is very distracting for the driver.

    So I moved it to the back seat. I didn't have a harness with me, so I attached a lead to its collar and fastened it to the head rest.

    I am can imagine that in case of an accident the pup would have had serious injuries (neck area) or had even died. But it was clearly very distressed in the boot, so I made the choice of taking the risk, as the screaming stressed me out too.

  5. All the things which are important to the person adopting...


    ok with kids?

    ok with dogs?

    ok with cats?


    vet report


    history of the dog if known?


    travels well?


    vaccinated/ neutered etc


    does the rescue give support after adopting?

    what food do they feed?


    Can't think of anymore, but I am sure there is more to come. :)

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