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Everything posted by nouggatti

  1. Crusty Chuckletush Joe will like that urgh I quite like the name chuckletush!
  2. Michelle, see pic below, kind of reddish brown, I've red streaks (Natural) in my hair. I've been Yazz like in the past I am utterly knackered, today was a very long and busy day, I've learned to measure my days by the volume of voicemails I have on my phone cos I haven't time to answer my phone (today was four, worst day ever was when I got home at 8pm and had nine voicemails ) ETA I'm back Abby Am off to dentist tomorrow at 12
  3. Do I want to dye my hair blond? If I do do I go for strawberry blond or platinum?????
  4. Oh I have a tweezers (well two actually in case one get's lost) in my handbag, and have many an emergency dash to the bathroom in work to remove offending hairs.
  5. Well he's not gotten to me yet ???
  6. I've just seen my signature
  7. I am home from work, all fire related issues have been resolved (all IT issues that is) Twas a most interesting day
  8. Hmm I spoke too soon, the firebrigade drowned out two switches and the air con failed in the server room as did the swipe card system. We have had to break the door down and leave one melted server to recover before we attempt to make it work again.
  9. Morning We have had a fire in one of the labs last night, this caused much chaos as one of the small comms rooms we have is nearish to said lab. All is sorted now hopefully but I smell of smoke
  10. NN all Thanks for a lovely evening, Michelle, good to see you back Mel, hope things get sorted for you, your evening sounds horrid Joe, thanks for the hugs See ya all tomorrow evening, will be too busy in work to pop in ! Eta Michelle, thanks for the manscaping explanation
  11. So I am the best of a bad/desperate/non existent lot There are loads of irish members on here And what is manscaping???????? Theresa *now going to bed with a complex "there is nothing else so I'll put up with her, suppose at least if the world ended/..........*
  12. Mel You have had more than enough recently without that
  13. Oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and why is that then Joe???? btw it's Eireann's
  14. I'm having Joe Hugs mine tooth feels much better He's not manscaping me tho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Claz is his wife, perhaps he can manscape her Hugs are good but thats as close as he can get!!!!
  15. I would imagine manscaping is where one allows one's close partner to do duties such as epilating upon one's sensitive bits.
  16. Joe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (we need a whipping emoticon) I'm off to bed soon.
  17. ah I reckon it's your norty influence, it's been very quiet in your absence. Strangely Abby is also about more, I suspect you two are psychic conjoined twins
  18. And you have ignored my question as to how I have made you laugh :( Nobody in their right mind would allow Joe do manscaping.
  19. Michelle, why are you laughing? Is it at the dentist and his finger in nostril routine???
  20. Oooooh does Claz know you are hugging me now??? Ty for the hugs Hopefully Grumpy will fix my tooth tomorrow
  21. Thank you Mindy, my dentist (although really old) is very gentle and kind, (apart from when he sticks his finger in my nostril and then tells me to open my mouth ) and very nice. (ETA: and he has lovely arms ) Having gone through the 6 fillings, 2/3 temp fillings and two root canals, it's just a let down that I have to go back now with a problem is all, I've two years of braces, a bone graft, an implant and two crowns to go as well. Still at the end I will have lovely teeth. Hope you enjoy your hols!!! Seee................................???? Joe, I'm so dissappointed, I thought you would envelop me in comforting hugs
  22. Yes Andrea, a very luffly fugee (who is not the same dress size as me ) is having it delivered to her home I am much looking forward to having it NN Hello Joe Joe, I have a sore tooth
  23. What's the specific tone you want Andrea? I've nowt better to do than meander about the web in search of random ringtones this evening! One half of my mouth is now out of action, I'm having appalling visions of having to endure another two hour root canal, having decided that there must be a big hole in my tooth ETA I have been shopping in Myla Michelle, joe has just arrived, he has a radar when women are looking for him
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