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Everything posted by nouggatti

  1. RMF am regretting not going to the dentist six months ago when he told me I needed three fillings. tooth now aches, and dentist will not be pleased to see me.
  2. That's great news Claire, have some reeses to celebrate
  3. no tis not, tis Most Moist Sorry am proof reading today Wendy and Godin, hope your mum and gran are better soon Maybe they won't notice
  4. He didn't get the Marmite habit in my house, we don't allow that stuff in you know, Marmite is I can't stand peanut butter, but like the peanut butter cups Best wishes for your old girl Claire RMF went for lunch with friend, asked the waitress in restaurant what was in the seafood chowder, and the evil cow replied "fish" Twas full of wrinkled mussels and crabsticks I had to pick them out Am thinking of getting a new phone, contract is up and current provider does not support email
  5. Our old old dog Loppy is the same, he's getting very frail these days
  6. i love reeses peanut butter cups!< they are very rich tho
  7. What's a 311? Thank God I work with people who for the most part work in Belfast whilst I am in Dublin. The urge to go completely postal is very strong today.
  8. It's the still not knowing for definite probably that is making you feel sad. I had a GSD who had quite severe skin allergies for almost a year, and had the blood tests and the boosters as well as other treatments to get him well. If you think it would help I can pm you with the details of all of his treatment? Theresa
  9. No I think I may have strained a stomach/groin muscle trying to pull them on, they are made of some sort fo reinforced industrial elastic Have just recieved the following email from work colleague
  10. No gave it up over a year ago, OH changed work, so we didn't have the time to put into it. We still do some volunteer work. I just wanted a body thing to wear under a dress, magic knickers ones were the only one in my size
  11. Junior Project Manager in Financial services Mel. The canteen fiasco is due to my only being able to eat chopped fruit and yoghurt after trying on a magic knickers body at lunchtime and it doing something to my stomach.
  12. Just been to canteen for lunch and managed to dangle badge holder in ketchup Have two work badges, cleaned those, but the darn ketchup will not come out of the holder, it stinks
  13. God that's excellent, have been dealing with a condescending pratt all day who is so absolutely renowned throughout the whole of the company as being an absolute *tosser* that three other colleagues said "lucky you" when they heard who I was dealing with, and one slightly more timid one apologised for the tossers behaviour. Just emailed that pic to my project manager who is also having a crappy day. Ever noticed the last few hours of a friday seem to creep by?
  14. Thank you! Things are good, tis a lovely forum you guys have here!
  15. I'm just new to this forum, have been around too long tho to be called a newbie
  16. have stinking headache. stress levels in the office are so bad, one person had a shouting fit, then walked out and went home for the day @ 11am
  17. the raspberry ones are not, but not the lemon/lime ones
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