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Posts posted by Vashti

  1. Does this duck have gentleman visitors? Because if not then the eggs she laid will be infertile. Ducks & other birds haven't quite caught on about the facts of life and will often lay eggs, go broody, sit on them and wait for them to hatch only to give up eventually, disappointed :rolleyes: :laugh:


    Incubation for ducks is 28 days but if she got off quite a bit initially you can easily add a few days onto that.

    Thank you - she has lots of gentlemen visitors , well, a couple. Shall we leave it a couple more days then do the holding egg to light thing? Why would she have put one in water trough?

  2. Our primary school courtyard is home to a duck. She has built a nest in a flower bed and has 5 eggs. She has been sitting on them for 35 days. This morning she has taken one of the eggs and seems to have put it in the water trough she uses. The first few days after laying she was inattentive to the eggs but for the last few weeks is constantly on them. Are they going to hatch? It's very sad to see her sitting and sitting in the rain.

  3. I have slid down into the pit of depression again and it's as bad as it ever was. I'm not sure I have the energy to try and climb out of it or even if I can be bothered to try this time :(


    I can remember a couple of years ago now that I used to come on the Refuge and look for your posts on RMF in particular because the way you just seemed to 'face life' and get through with amazing energy was so inspiring to me when I'd lost motivation. I hope you'll soon be feeling better Alex :GroupHug:

  4. Hmmm, I can see me now gaily popping into teen wrecked rooms clicking away at all manner of atrocities only to post on here and everyone else start saying 'I haven't got any manky bits'.... or 'oooh look at this cup slightly out of alignment with the other cups'... I'll hang fire and see what exactly we're classing as manky before I go for it.

  5. Have just read a pm through squinty half closed eyes as usual (in case it's bad news/ on the negative side) and realised that it has become one of those annoying little rituals... ie every time I get an online message I delay opening it and then read it with my eyes virtually shut. I am surprised as I thought I didn't have any. My son Mike has one too. He has to have someone say Goodnight to him before he closes the bedroom door. He can't be the last to say goodnight. This leads to him trying to elicit goodnight from someone even if he has just left family proceedings on the note of some horrendous teenage tantrum. My OH has millions of them... open windows, shut doors that have to click first, straightening pictures in other people's houses etc etc.

    So are we the only barmy family? Please feel free to share your rituals/ quirky obsesions.

    er... and if no one does I can always pm a mod to delete... can't I?

  6. I can see what you mean Kathy, even though I also think that Billy is probably right. My OH has always said that he would never 'buy' an animal, he feels that animals were not put here to be traded for money. I guess that before he met me and discovered the rescue route he may well have posted similar just because he knew no other way and hadn't read the rules properly. Her youngest could even be a responsible adult, I know .... it's unlikely...... but....

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