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Everything posted by Whizzie

  1. Good news re Ted. Sorry to hear about poorly cars. Are those cows really real? They look very strange indeed. Intrigued. Suddenly and oddly very busy with flurry of activity for WagTails House - now full until 9th Nov 2013 & people already staking claims on 2014. I hate disappointing people who we can't fit in.
  2. Hoping Ted decides to use those legs again soon x
  3. Your wall will look so much brighter Alex once it is done. I realised doing fences & furniture at WagTails House jus how much woodstain you need especially with some wood that soaked it up like a sponge! Lily the spaniel does have a broken pelvis and as the owners can't afford surgery they will be hoping it heals naturally with crate rest. My hand got worse but having started antibiotics it is a lot better this morning & the red & hot patches on peripheral wounds not under the dressing has subsided.
  4. Good luck Jazz - about time some came your way
  5. No news yet of poor little Lily. I have been to see the nurse at our doctor's practice & have 5 days antibiotics & a new dressing & bandage to replace the lime green vet wrap. Declined a tetanus as I reacted so badly last time that my arm was scarcely usable for a week. Currently only 1 finger is out of action - rude hand gestures severely restricted for a few days but no washing up at least!
  6. Horrendous end to a pleasant afternoon with the dogs in the garden at Mum & Dad's. Walking home with our dogs we witnessed a little black cocker spaniel run out into the road just as a car was passing. She was hit hard around her pelvis/back legs. Her young owner was frantically trying to call her Mum but no reply so Patrick rushed our dogs home (just a few doors away), I scooped up little Lily & we have taken them to the emergency vets. Lily was in shock & a great deal of pain & they suspect a pelvic fracture but need to get her stable before x-rays tomorrow. I will most likely be heading to the doctors tomorrow as my finger has been badly bitten - our road is full of my blood. Please think of little Lily with me & hope her injuries are not too severe.
  7. Alex alert! I have just been to the garden centre (again). There is a really cheap on near us - not huge selection but good quality plants with fast turnover, so if you like what they have it's a bargain. I have some appleblossom bedding petunias for gap filling, some trailing lobelia and a pretty clematis called Giselle. The latter 2 will be going in a large strawberry pot once I have emptied the ice plants - and weevil grubs! Also a small pieris going to Pembrokeshire - only £2.50 & will fill a gap in front of fence where they probably had a pot before. Hopefully it will grow well
  8. A friend at Romanian Underdogs sent me this which I really liked. It demonstrates why any charitable work should be applauded (subject to acceptable welfare standards in the rescue world of course):- Since our adventure with the dogs started, we have been asked many times what makes Romanian dogs worthy of saving, when so many British dogs are abandoned every year. Indeed why dogs, when children need help? Why animals, when hospitals are struggling? Why one species over another? In truth, there is no good answer. Many of our team, amazing volunteers and generous donors believe many causes are worthy, and donate, help or volunteer for other organizations. Children do need food and love, hospitals do need funds, dogs and cats here and abroad need help and pain and suffering must be alleviated wherever possible. We all have different sensibilities and different things make us sad or tug at us until we feel compelled to act. That is what gives us hope that we can change the world, it is one of the singular wonders of the human spirit. Let us never change the fact that we are different, but let us all help where we think we should or can. Here we like to think of the world as a large garden that needs tending to. There are vegetable patches, roses, tulips, long grasses, meadows, hedges and trees of all kinds. Everyone has a favourite spot, where they feel at one with the garden. We have ours and share the care of it with many people. Once in a while, we look up from our work, and take a long walk to visit other parts of the garden and appreciate the hard work and care that has gone into making them more beautiful. These visits into other causes are full of tears, joy and gratitude for what other people accomplish, for the love they give and the heartbreak they suffer in order to bring their flowers to bloom. If we can, we will happily share tools and water because the tranquility of our humble spot, the beauty of our growing plants, can only be enhanced by the rest of the garden. Let us all be gardeners together and battle the elements, the destructive diseases and draughts. Let the good that can be done come to fruition in whatever shape or form. We have good will and compassion in common and that is far stronger than anything that might separate us. Take a walk, see where your heart leads you, be it a child, a stray, a family member, and know that it all counts. For everyone at Love Underdogs, every compassionate act is celebrated as a victory; every step in the right direction, a joyful journey; every human kindness, a thank you letter. If you feel that your family can give a forever home for a soul in need of love, it does not matter to us where you chose to adopt from as long as you adopt. Much love to all from Love Underdogs
  9. That's a long day Alex. I am so lucky that my job is very 9-5 now unless I travel to do exhibitions, also I have already discussed reduced hours as & when Mum & Dad need more help & there doesn't seem to be a problem. Have a good day folk. Hope Ted improves & all other poorly or distressed dogs & people x
  10. I got involved because it seemed the dogs coming from Romania were going to a rescue some people were very concerned about. It had been the subject of a TV programme in another region. As someone who has recently raised concerns about a different rescue I felt sure that the person flagging worries about this one would not do so unless they had good reason so I'd be wrong to ignore them. I have tried to stay out of the debate for & against dogs from other countries & just focus on the welfare conditions in the UK to avoid the out of the frying pan & into the fire scenario. I just don't have the strength to engage in any more arguments at the moment! It is still upsetting to see the arguments raging.
  11. Somewhat depressed by two things:- Dad has not been well at all. He was finally persuaded to call the hospital on Tuesday as his cough is horrid, he is weak & breathless & has lost a stone in 3 weeks. I secretly phoned after he did to ensure things were put in motion. He has a CT scan next Tuesday followed by a meeting with a nurse based at the local hospice. Consultant appointment a week or so after that. My fear is that the cancer has spread beyond his lungs. The other thing is massive rows between my friends over the rights & wrongs of importing dogs from abroad. I have friends on both sides.
  12. Well done on fundraising total Amy. Good luck wishes for Ted, Jayne. Where are you based Griff, just in case I spot any staffie pups in need?
  13. Hugs for houndwoman, Owl,. Amy & anyone else in need who I have missed x Yantan, you are a devious woman. Just when I was about to admire your beautifully manicured very young looking hands!
  14. We had a cancellation & the week didn't get booked again so I am at WagTails House with dogs but minus husband for a long weekend. It took me 4 hours to woodstain the garden furniture set - large table, 2 benches, 2 chairs. Luckily it was sunny! Tomorrow decking, laundry, beach & possibly a couple of planters to source for front
  15. Sounds like a very sensible decision all round Owl. Just hope your Mum will be persuaded & it can be sorted swiftly
  16. Horrified to hear about Lucy. How absolutely awful. Sincere sympathies to Houndwoman who must be devastated x
  17. A bit late in the day, but Happy Birthday from here too
  18. Archie is a very handsome man! Please wish him a very happy 10th birthday from me
  19. Oh Yantan, you have made me laugh. In my teens I had a t-shirt emblazoned with the words "F'off Mary Whitehouse" Perhaps I am more of a rebel than I thought!
  20. Thanks Yantan. I feel rubbish today - I thought the bad memories were behind me, but unfortunately not! I agree, sad & painful when people and things are not what you thought they were
  21. I'm not going to say too much but I was a very active volunteer at Wiccaweys from about 2005 until late in 2009. I was their homecheck coordinator, one of their dog walking team leaders, ran appeals, helped with rehomings (I may still be listed as their rescue rep on this forum).....when I left things were already going downhill. Since then the decline has been horrific and recent conditions a disgrace to the rescue world. Some evidence of this has been made public on Facebook by a Romanian rescue who were trying to get one of their dogs back. Debate on both sides has been hot! I stayed on for far too long because of attachments to dogs there at the time, and probably if I'm honest, I was in denial about things I just didn't want to be true. It was hard to leave and give up what had been a huge part of my life in those years. Supporting Wiccaweys as standards moved downwards, and other opinions were not welcome, is probably the worst error of judgement I have made in my half century of life. I am still ashamed of my past association and the fact that I defended Wiccaweys against criticism on numerous occasions and actively encouraged the support of others. If I have upset people on here by expressing my honest opinion then I am truly sorry as this has been a pleasant and supportive forum to participate in. I am deeply saddened by what Wiccaweys became and devastated for dogs and people that have suffered as a result.
  22. Hoping it is okay to promote this on here. It is a petition about puppy farming & selling puppies without their mothers present that is aiming to get 100,000 signatures to force a parliamentary debate. It is promoted by Marc the Vet (Oldies Club Patron) & the PupAid organisation. Nearly 10% of the way there in just a few days. Perhaps folk on here would consider signing
  23. Sorry, not keeping up. Sending best wishes to all with problems. Owl -"chronic" as a medical condition means slowly developing I think as opposed to "acute". Sorry if this is obvious - I used to think chronic meant "bad" as that's how we tend to use the word in general. I am a very fed up bunny. Dad is not good at all - I think he is depressed since the doctor told him his cough will never get better. He seems to have given up. Elsewhere there seems to be an ever growing web of spin, lies, arrogance and deceit that, in my opinion, beggars belief. I wish there were more good & less bad people in this world. And also more good people able to offer suitable homes to all the unloved dogs everywhere. I have just seen 2 pictures on my newsfeed that have really upset me
  24. And a very happy birthday from all here. Hope you are enjoying the sunshine
  25. Congratulations to Amy & Jazz - if on rather different victories! Sorry to hear about constipated cats & other illness, ailments & frustrations. Alex you really are a plant addict aren't you!
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