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Everything posted by snow

  1. My car goes in for it's MOT today (a few weeks early but I'm taking advantage of hubby being home in case of problems). I'm a bit anxious about it last time to my utter surprise it failed outright on the emissions test and there was some concern that it meant a lambda sensor had packed up, luckily they gave it a service and she scraped thru the retest, however, I suspect that she'll fail again for the same reason, and if a service doesn't work that'll mean having to take her all the way over to the Chrysler garage in Swindon and getting the sensor replaced at fcuk knows what cost.
  2. I have not read back thru all the RMF yet so to anyone who needs one. My day has been a little fraught, essentially hubbys laptop which is old and basic has been infected by malaware that neither I nor any of the geek forums have been able to remove, the problem is the poor thing hasn't got enough processing ability to actually cope with some of the scans etc I have been running so it looks like the only option will be a reformat, which isn't THAT big a deal. However, it simply can't cope with running an anti virus or firewall and actually work at anything like a reasonable speed, it's just too old now, I myself avoid using it like the plague lol Soooooooooooooooo we did our sums went to PC World Comet & Dixons and everyblinkingwhere in between and decided to get him a nice shiney new one (he wouldn't get one online because he did want to be able to use it for the remaining week of his R&R so I needed an off the shelf.) We went to PC World in Cardiff & Swindon yesterday and I did some net research last night & this morning and we'd settled for the £499 advent they had on offer (yesssssssss it was an advent and noooooo I wasn't toooo excited about it but it was in budget) anywayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy spoke to a nice sales blokey in PC World who left us alone to fiddle for a bit (jolly nice of him) and we both prefered the compaq but it was £100 dearer and only half the RAM but had the nice new bright screen.. jolly nice salesman came back and said "well since you are students... cue blank expressions from us... and a big wink from him.... I can let you have the next model up with 512 mb ram and a bigger hd faster processor and the bright screen... for the same price Soooooo I have been setting it all up for hubby downloading and installing everything including anti virus pop up blockers spyware blasters and a fire wall and have just left him to enjoy it. It's a gazillion billion times faster than the old thing so he's very pleased. Came home and told my mum and she said she'd already sent me a cheque for £250 towards it Hubby also treated me to a gel filled wrist rest and gel filled wrist rest mouse pad and new optical mouse for mine... I like the wrist rest, not sure if I like the mouse pad and my typing has gone all to buggery until I get used to the new hand/wrist position. Have to do an online Tesco shop then get some food cos we havent eaten all day so may or may not be back later.
  3. Laffin, that is my Aunt's dog Whiskey he's a mere 3 years old and spoiled rotten, he's on his holidays with my mum following my Uncles sudden death. Actually poor Whiskey has taken it hard and has been a wee bit depressed, so it was nice to see him playing this afternoon and wagging his little tail fit to burst. He also likes to be cuddled on his back and rocked in your arms like a baby... mum demonstrated as I um couldn't bring myself to go quite that far
  4. Well we were due to leave at 3 ... and we are still here... this is bacuase I am currently fielding such questions as "does this T shirt make my neck look boney?" "does this shirt look too creased?" "does this sweatshirt look a bit tatty these days?" needless to say, I have showered, dressed, done my hair and packed and was ready at 10 to 3 As soon and Tommy Hilfinger is dressed I should imagine we'll be then able to start on the... what coat should I take and the have you seen my.....? questions and will be ready to leave with the obligatory "hurry UP we are LATE" demands in ohhhhh 30 more mins
  5. Well I'm off to Wales shortly won't have net access til we get back probably sometime tomorrow evening. Hope everyone stays well and has a good evening.
  6. Nogs TRPD snood has arrived to much rumblings and mutterings from the men in the house who think it makes Nog look like a wuss I think it's fabulous, nice and thick and warm and I'm sure Nog will appreciate it on evening walkies when his ears no longer get frozen.
  7. Oooh where did you get one for that price?
  8. Hurry up with that rant Wendy I am NOT staying up until 3am tonight I'm off to Wales sometime tomorrow afternoon it seems, Nicks not coming so he and Rob have been debating which of them gets to have Nog Nick won so Nog will be staying home, which is no bad thing since I can now go see my mum without worrying about the madness and mayhem that could have ensued if Nog and Whiskey had decided to dislike or even like each other. We're also going to go out for dinner with MIL so that'll be a really nice treat.
  9. I am about to get an empty shed after 7 years my trusty rusty old tumble that has lived in there for all that time is making it's final journey to the dump - whilst it's going to be good to have some additional dry storage space I cannot see it ever being used by me as the worlds largest spiders consider it home and I am not about to argue with them
  11. Dandy sounds a lot like Bambi and is a bit more masculine lol
  12. From the looks of him soon as those bandages come off and with the influence of the dangerous brothers he'll soon be weight bareing and running round like a mad thing
  13. With respect Catherine, yes some people have been left very upset and angry by things that took place on DP, their reputations were attacked, their integrity and honesty questioned and their right to respond to what amounted to libellous allegations was denied them. So I would imagine they might well have been traumatised* (*definition -severe emotional shock and pain caused by an extremely upsetting experience). The difference being that here there is nothing preventing you from commenting, you won't find your post deleted or you membership banned for commenting. Do you also avoid DP which frequently has commented on other forums or sites? Yet those threads did happen, else why would people be commenting on them? Not only that but Ray himself participated in and even started them. Do you honestly think people who are looking to rehome a dog would be put off by the requirement to supply this site with a genuine email address so that they can register? Frankly if they are then what other information might they withold from a rescue? As a counsellor I find the "just move on" remark particularily offensive, neither you or I have any right to tell people that the things they have experienced or which have caused them any form of emotional response should just be left in the past. Point of fact not dealling with emotional trauma can often make that trauma worse not better. What's so threatening about people who have genuine issues about another board being allowed to freely express them here? There IS censorship on DP and thats Rays right, but his censorship does NOT apply here.
  14. Hubby has itchy fingers for his guitars so I have been allowed to have some net time Car has been jet washed at last ... though not allllll the mud has gone but most of it has and it looks a lot better so I'm happy. Had a bargain in Bon Marche would have been happy enough paying £8 in the sale for the lovely set of soft pj's I bought... but I was even happier to find it was buy one get one free!! Spoke to mum who is a little bit concerned about Whiskey apparently he won't eat unless she hand feeds him and won't leave her side, poor little mite must be so confused. I've suggested she try him with some sardines and see if he'll eat those.
  15. Morning All Linda Congrats Elaine!! This is my third attempt to post a good morning today *chuckles* each time I have been dragged away from the pc for cuddles although I do think at the moment Nog has had a few more than me Rob's home he was shattered last night ... but not "too" shattered off out to Chippenham this morning... bbl
  16. Right thats me all tarted up I just have to change over hand bags and I'm off!! Have a great night peeps I seriously doubt you'll be hearing from me again today. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  17. OMGGGGGGGGGGGG all excitified... plane is EARLY .... ohhhh *wibble* need to go get ready *wibble*
  18. Hmmm I some how made it back into the top 10 of the last fred...which isn't toooo bad least it wasn't the top 5 lol
  19. Go Top 10 posters from the previous Fred. WendyGdog 106 doggie mum 83 Kats inc 61 phoebejo 49 Happylittlegreensquirrel 49 Melp 45 redditchlady 39 ClazUK 39 sniffers 38 snow 35
  20. Time for this one to go beddy byes
  22. Best I can do trying to take pics of my own hair
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