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Posts posted by owl

  1. Finley is celebrating the merry month of May by getting kennel cough. His full dental has had to be postponed. Chest was sounding wheezy, so vet said bring him in. She examined him and agreed that it doesn't sound good, plus he has temperature raised a bit, so she has put him on ABs. Poor little chap is very unhappy.

    Cuckoo, swallows & swifts have arrived here. 


  2. It's been a bit hectic here, too tired to write much but all ok now.

    I liked the Elizabeth line, especially the doors on the edge of the platform which line up with the train doors and don't open until the train has stopped and opened doors. Just thinking how many lives could have been saved if that had been invented earlier. I wish they were on all the tube stations.

    Fin has back teeth problems, will call vet first thing on Monday for an appointment. On soft food until then. 



  3. 11 hours ago, Jazz said:

    oo where in essex? not feeling as bad, hope it continues x

    love to all x

    Harold Wood, not that far from you. Travelled on the new Elizabeth Line.

  4. Having a quiet day after a busy week with lots of rearranging of plans.  Went to a talk on pond life on Thursday evening, and to hear live folk music near Newark last night at a church hall. It's the first time I have taken my new car down the A1, and it did very well.  

    We had a walk with Finley's bestie, Flo spaniel, and her dad yesterday afternoon. Last one for a fortnight as they go on hols today. 

  5. Managing ok thanks, but getting very tired in evenings.

    Sister and bro in law in Essex had their car stolen a few nights ago. Thieves broke in and took car keys, also bank cards but dropped those when they fled in haste after dog raised the alarm.  Dog really kicked off and was banging around in the kitchen, probably sounded like something much more scary than a staffy. Well done Buzz.


  6. Sorry, been out of action. First I got a 48 hr tummy bug which wiped me out, then the computer got a glitch, now sorted. Then had plans for today completely thrown out, but all ended ok. 

  7. Happy Easter to everyone x

    Mine is very quiet as I have been hit by an awful tummy bug, so have not even got dressed,  just stayed in bed sipping water. Fed and watered Fin and let him out into garden etc. He has at last realised that I am poorly and not just being idle.

  8. Grateful that the wind has swung round to southerly, losing the worst of the chill.  Walked in forest yesterday with Fin's friend Flo and her dad. Only one other dog walker there, very quiet. Doing the same today as it is more sheltered and less muddy there than most other places.

    Will spend some time today and tomorrow sorting out stuff for a mega jumble sale at scout & guide hut in next village.

  9. Vet visit went OK, vet wasn't too worried about Finley's weight as she says her BT is the same. Doesn't like the cold and sleeps by the fire as much as possible in winter, then gets more active in spring. We did have sunlight from late morning, and Fin spent 2 hours racing around the garden non-stop after rodents and wood pigeons. before we set off for the vet. 

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  10. Trying to stay warm, off to vet tomorrow for Finlay's vax and will get an earful from vet as he has turned into a pudding in spite of plenty of walks. He doesn't mind a bit of rain but hates the cold, so he doesn't spend the day running round the garden as he does in warmer weather.

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