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Everything posted by gooster

  1. Can't believe it's November - the new series of the jungle starts on the 13th. That's how I know it's nearly Christmas I'm away from 8th-23rd though. Going to have a lot of catching up to do when I get home Has anyone seen Alex around? Not seen her post for a while Am sure they will have had a birthday party for Rosie at the bridge
  2. Here you go - explains it much better than I can. Your vet really shouldn't have prescribed it for firework phobia. Every single website when you google 'acp for dog firework phobia' say it can make the phobia worse.
  3. We used to give Charlie diazepam - as the others have said, ACP Is a bad idea as they are still scared but can't show it. Charlie used to be totally off his face on diazepam (it's what we give to patients to keep them calm during cataract surgery if they are anxious). I'm surprised your vet has prescribed it TBH
  4. Happy birthday Griff - hope you have had many drinks bought for you
  5. Well if they work in the house, keep with them and then just have distance glasses for out and about. Over time you'll probably get used to them
  6. Varifocals usually have a 30 day trial period Owl as some patients can't tolerate them. I'd try for a bit longer, then go back to your optician. Your optician will be able to send the lenses back to the lab for credit as you are a first time wearer (and don't let them fob you off - all labs do this!)
  7. Glad the twins are home I love giant schnauzers. Mum and dad always said they would like a giant as their next dog. Ted is such a big personality as a mini schnauzer, they have said they would love a big Ted Can't remember if I said that one of the nurses at work had been a bit off with me when I first started my new job. But anyway, after I saw the horrid woman (who complained about me and demanded my boss ring her back - and then doesn't answer the phone when he rings her!), she warmed to me. Today she sent me a Facebook friend request I'm getting there with her I'm still loving my new job, am even thinking of asking to go full time once I've got my teeth straightened
  8. Thomas cook played nice - they moved my hotel and charged me £39 Hope the twins are home soon Have you tried a DAP diffuser or a thunder shirt on Candy? I know the thunder shirt are marketed at firework/thunder anxiety, but it might help for separation anxiety as well - they put pressure on certain points that is like they are being given a hug. I did think about the child locks for my windows - I'll have to brave going to Mothercare and have a look (and hope there aren't loads of kids in there )
  9. What I have started doing is leaving the bathroom window open during the day (it's too small for burglars to get through) and leave my bathroom door closed so that the cats can't get in whilst the door is open. Am hoping that solves the problem. Unfortunately some of the paint has flaked off the bathroom ceiling, so i'm going to have to sand it down and paint it, but it looks loads better already
  10. Congratulations and hello twins I have sent a tweet to Thomas cook customer services about last night's debarcle. They have said they can't promise anything, but will look into it. I was quite reasonable and just pointed out that their computer systems shouldn't allow their staff to change holidays and then change their mind about how much they are going to charge. We'll see what happens, but I'm not holding my breath In other news, I've had a lot of black mould on my bathroom and bedroom ceiling since I got the cats (because I don't open any windows). Today I bought some mould spray from b&q. It's absolutely amazing stuff - I've sprayed it on the ceiling in the bathroom, within 10 minutes most of it had gone and my ceiling is perfectly white again. Wish I had taken before and after pictures now!
  11. Been trying to plan my diving on my next trip. Found out there are no dive shops anywhere near where my hotel is, so went onto the live chat to ask Thomas Cook if I could move. All was going swimmingly well, found a nice hotel in a good resort with better reviews than my original hotel. They said it would cost me £39 to move to this hotel. After they had taken payment and confirmed it, they realised because it was less than 28 days till departure, I'd have to pay 90% of my total holiday cost to change hotels I'm staying with my original hotel. Am a bit gutted - I was so close to staying near to scuba diving shop - they emailed me a confirmation and everything before they realised that I'd have to pay £1400 to move!
  12. Her treatment is on the NHS. I offered her a free consultation with the private side of the business if she was interested - they have more options with regards to lens type. However her health insurance wouldn't cover it as it's cosmetic (as her cataracts didn't actually need treating). I'd love to be a fly on the wall when my boss rings her back!
  13. You might find that your distance glasses are better for when you are out trekking - you won't have much need for reading, and you might feel a bit more sure footed - certainly to start with
  14. Varifocals will feel weird to begin with, you will feel like a nodding dog, but persevere with them and you'll be fine I always tell any first time varifocal wearer, they wouldn't still make them if nobody got on with them. Get the best lens you can afford, the cheaper varifocals tend to be more difficult to get used to, as they have a bigger area of soft focus at the edges of the lens Sorry to hear about your uncle Jazz :group hug: Can't remember if I mentioned it on here, but last week I saw a horrid woman. She was a total nightmare. I think her optom just got fed up of her saying she couldn't see in her contact lenses and decided to send her to me for cataract surgery. Basically this woman wanted to be totally free from glasses after having cataract surgery on the NHS. She wasn't happy when I said we couldn't guarantee it. I emailed my boss to say she would probably put in a complaint about me (and her cataracts didn't even need doing!). I was right, she had emailed head office to complain. Thankfully, my boss had already reviewed my notes and said I had done a good job, he has the unenviable task of phoning her up to speak to her. She demanded that he phone her up on a specific day at a set time though - forget all the other patients that he has to see on that day
  15. Glad Candy is ok Could you not put your foot under the shed door to lift it as you open it? Blue's stable door has dropped, so I just lift it up a bit with my foot as I open it. Day off today - so of course I woke up at 8.15 Just went downstairs though and chilled on the sofa in my pyjamas though, finished my NHS mandatory training, so that's done for another year
  16. It might be her cruciate. When Charlie did his, he wasn't in any pain. His leg just seemed unsupported and wobbly and he just carried it along.
  17. I'm here - just mad busy with my new job. And someone has given me germs It needs to bog off for Sunday - I've got my 15km obstacle course on Sunday. I've had germs since Tuesday last week, so hopefully I'll be fine
  18. So sorry Mary Run free Butter. Went to Next today to pick up a parcel, it's on a retail park and Pets at Home is next door. Bumped into mum and dad who were taking Ted to the vets - he wasn't able to walk this morning He seemed OK at the vets, so he's had a jab of metacam to see if that perks him up a bit
  19. It is Griff - she's been putting pictures on Facebook. It's also Horse of the Year show at the NEC, so it's probably dead busy down there! Congratulations Granny Jazz Been to see an orthodontist today - when my wisdom teeth came through, they made my front teeth cross. It annoys me when I see my teeth in a photo. So decided to go for a free consult and see what they said. I told myself if it was less than £2k to get them sorted I'd go for it. It's £1500 and they do 0% finance, so I've decided to get them sorted. Gonna feel like a teenager again
  20. Morning guys Went to see Bridget Jones last night with my mum. It was brilliant. Really laugh out loud comedy. I see quite a lot of myself in Bridget - she was speaking to a character in the film and said 'I hear you got married, well I have erm, been on a lot of long haul holidays' It was mine and Blue's 9th anniversary on Friday - to celebrate, the vet came and gave him his injections I did buy him a new rug as well, but he hasn't tried it on yet
  21. Well I got signed off Sod's law meant it wasn't an easy consult the big boss sat in on, but it went ok. He sat in on another one which went better. Got my own clinic tomorrow - hope that goes ok
  22. Hope Ashley is ok Loobie Hope Grandma Squigg is on the mend soon I have used air b&b when I traveled around Sri Lanka and Bali - I've stayed in some amazing places, from tree houses, to my own villa with a pool. Never paid more than £30 a night either Had a letter from the student loans company at the weekend. They wanted me to call them as I had a credit on my account. Now when I checked last year, I owed them £383, so I paid that and figured I'd finished my dealings with them. After doing some googling to see if it was a scam, it turns out that there was some issue with tax and stuff and a few people had overpaid. I phoned them yesterday morning, expecting them to tell me they owed me a fiver. They owe me £1100 :shock: It was a good job I was sat down Slightly nervous about work today - I've got my pre assessment and consent sign off with the big boss The big boss is lovely, but am a bit nervous about being watched and assessed on my work. I've done 2 clinics on my own, but with another optician in the next room for me to ask for help. Tomorrow I'm on my own in Wakefield
  23. Walter and Jessie are insured with pet plan. Not had to use them yet (touch wood) but they have one of the best reputations amongst my friends who are vets. Most vet practices will deal with them direct for payment, meaning that you don't have to shell out for a big bill and then claim it back. They aren't the cheapest, but in my opinion, if I can afford the monthly payments, I'd rather pay more for peace of mind should anything go wrong and they need to visit Noel Fitzpatrick My two have lifetime cover with £7k per year vet fees and I think it's about £25 a month
  24. I usually get my MOT done by my local mechanic. Never been reminded by Audi that it is due
  25. Thanks guys - I think she was in her late 60s. Her health hadn't been amazing for a couple of years. I nearly didn't get Walter and Jessie because I was going away and they were ready to leave just before I went away. She wasn't sure if she could cope with them for another couple of weeks as they were mental, but she wanted them to go to a special home, so she hung on to them for another couple of weeks for me I picked them up the same day I landed home (after a 12 hour flight and lots of jet lag!). I will be forever thankful for her taking Missy in and trusting me to look after Walter and Jessie Welcome back Reddichlady - sorry your health isn't good Ana's MOT was due when I was in Bali - totally forgot My mechanic got a panicked message when I got home to do her MOT. I'll have to put Denzel's MOT date in my diary for next year, so I don't forget
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