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Everything posted by griff

  1. Well done owl! O.k, so horrible neighbours rented the house out, new neighbours moved in had to go round at 22.25, still hammering, he knocked and just explained he could hear the banging...the lady apologised and said she didn't want to fall out with anyone on her first day and that they were in the said you won't fall out, we had awful trouble with the neighbours for years and he isn't having it again, he said he has to be up at 5.40 for work, she said it would stop immediately, the hammering has stopped but there's loads of crashing about... hopefully just for one night
  2. I reckon, model boat and your ashes suzeanna lol... cheap and eco friendly Yay for you reckon you will be able to get him back from the kids yantan?? Awww, well done to your friend owl!!
  3. Lol...Steve has a 65inch......will just leave that there lol Best of luck to Henry! Suzeanna, it's best to get everything out in the open, what you would like....obvs not to go but when you are given news there's no way back, it's just time and you are best off saying exactly what you deffo don't want. My dad's not happy with what I want to happen but that's not my problem... it's his, I don't go to church, I don't want a service of any description..he doesn't like the idea of that, I have said lob me in a black bag and dump me at the crem lol
  4. Hope she manages to keep all her info!
  5. Oh gosh, no I don't yantan... hopefully someone will step in and do it
  6. I have been and had my first proper beers post lockdown...2 pints of Stella in one place and 2 pints of Carling in another.... plus a Chinese, if I am going out...I am going out properly
  7. Lol...ewww Greek salad, no way! I have only just started eating tomato... can't abide feta or anything oily. Can't beat a fried onion sandwich with hp sauce...yummy. I am much better with food now, I will try new things, as I say I now eat tomatoes
  8. Eve, just ask them for what you like, jacket potato and cheese, a sandwich...most places are good about helping customers out, when I went to Crete, I would only eat fried onion sandwiches, boiled rice and chilli powder....the guy at the restaurant was ace and really accomodating, turns out he was the careers advisor at my school at one point and from my city...we used to meet up for a drink when they came back to England at Christmas
  9. Absolutely bloody brilliant news Suzeanna!! Really chuffed for you, let's hope that the department's pull their fingers out and get you sorted
  10. Go on Eve, you are going out out lol Suzeanna, fingers crossed everything is o.k? Just had the rac out to my dad's car, one of the coils had gone....£37.50 and it's sorted, he also sorted his dodgy light fault too.....the bulb was working but there was a resistance fault so he popped a new bulb in...job done!
  11. Suzeanna, I hope today goes well
  12. I shall have to go Google that one Owl I have been to Steve's house and seen Molly..5 months is such a long time...she seems so old, very happy to see me and likewise me her. Had a takeaway with Steve and a couple of beers and had a nice..stress free afternoon... which are few and far between at the moment
  13. I have lived in the town, country and at the seaside, each has its good points but I prefer the town... obviously with good neighbours lol. The seaside was nice except for tourists, not being able to get on a bus, get into your local pub, the shops increasing prices and then the drunken tourists fighting. Steve is adamant he would love to live at the coast, I have told him the idea that you have and reality are two very different things Owl, enjoy your gravel pit! Suzeanna, I can only think of one situation where the time saved on HS2 would be of great importance and that's when someone is dying and those minutes can make the difference between you being able to say goodbye or not..... even then, I doubt I would pay the price of the ticket! All it was for was because most of Europe have high speed rail ( I think) so it was to bring us into line with that....but we are leaving Europe so does it really matter? They have chopped down so many woodlands, destroyed habitats of animals that I wouldn't use it on principle...seems they get an idea in their heads and just crack on and do matter what the voters actually think, bet if we could vote on HS2 they would get a shock!
  14. Owl, you aren't tactless!!! That's utterly brilliant news and I hope it continues for as long as you wish! Very very important for wispa to approve, I left my ex because diesel my staffy didn't like him....if she wasn't happy, I couldn't have that. Blackmagic.. hoping you manage to fit everything in and a safe journey home Eve, get you...binge watching boxsets!! I have just been given Disney plus for 6months but not watched anything yet....4 people can use it at one time and Steve's having a great time... he's watched all of the mandalorian Jazz, hope your tummy settles Suzeanna, I really hope Philip doesn't have to wait 6 hours!!
  15. Suzeanna...I shall hope for radiotherapy for you They showed up last night and were taking photos of my back garden, and the older one went onto the driveway so they can see we have painted our house number on our property...we are just waiting for the solicitor Letter to tell us they are going to sue us... and take our house, good luck to them with that! I don't know if the police officer will have had a word with them again or not but I emailed her with what had been shouted at full voice out the front... it's pathetic really, all they have to do us sort out the things they have done wrong, that's it...if not it's court
  16. Oh no Marion...I guess under normal circumstances it wouldn't have bothered her so much, bless you... hoping you feel better later Steve bought some t-shirts yesterday...he couldn't try on at Debenhams but went to Charlie brown's and asked could he try the t-shirts on there...yes, he then said can I try the ones I have just bought from Debenhams and the fella said yes, good job too as they were too small so he took them back and changed them
  17. Omg, I don't know what Deagan would do if she saw an actual real life horse or cow or sheep...she gets so excited when they are on the television.
  18. No suzeanna, didn't record it...I can't go out of my house when they are there.... there's a lot more going on than most of you I had literally just got out the shower, heard shouting and struggled downstairs in a towel and the phone was upstairs. Solicitor has rung to check on us this morning, she was going to put their solicitor on notice...I guess for a charge of harassment, mum said leave it for now, she has finally realised what we have been living with and has said she can stop proceedings...we can't do that as our property is being destroyed and damaged by water, plus as Marion says, they are bullies who have got away with this for 2 long, I have made sure that 2 people have a letter should anything happen to me and likewise informed the police of what's going on. Owl, so pleased the car has been found and siezed....a case of hidden in plain sight! Just goes to show how people don't see the obvious Sun!!!! Send it my way!!!
  19. Poor Ruby..I hope tomorrow is a better day for her! Solicitors letter got sent to next door, they obviously have it as we are apparently f*cking tramps, and scumbags are us.....all being screamed at top of their voices in their front garden... lovely!
  20. I really feel for Ruby, I hate Wednesday for that exact side effects are mild really, nausea and stomach pains today with a headache and extreme fatigue tomorrow but I will usually be o.k by tomorrow Evening Friday morning...give her a very gentle squeeze from us xx Medicine is a marvelous thing and it's incredibly clever what they can do for people but some of the effects are as bad as the diseases themselves
  21. Yantan, do you know how many sessions Ruby will need? Is there anything I can do?? Sorry you still have the chest infection.... hopefully the Dr can sort you out.
  22. I am...I am pure evil lol... just kidding, I am only part evil Haven't ventured up the pub!
  23. Eve, you are quite right to have a rant.... better out than keeping it in. One day Yantan, you will get a knock on the door and it will be me lol
  24. I am going for generalised suzeanna coz most people who know English people if they are Scots and Scots people if they are English don't generally have an issue with each other... it's just political, and to be fair ( no offence meant) it wouldn't matter what the party in power in England said or did would just be wrong
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