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Everything posted by Hollysdad

  1. Little Fugee is a very cute dog and she has a very smiley face, aawww Oh and hello, i got back yesterday Thats such good news about shep shep sheppity shep
  2. not in a smelly way tho Just wanted to say thank you to every one who has sent bits & bobs to me, I have collected them all from the PO Box and your help is much appreciated. Thank you all X
  3. Pay pal is good, cheques and postal orders are too as is cash in brown envelopes were not proud and will take anything (well not greenshield stamps)
  4. Just managed to get online properly again (been having horrid computer problems and work has blocked access). Thanks Diane for your posts they really are heartwarming Thanks to all those of you responding to our cry for help too, I have tired to email out thankyous via my blackberry. If I have missed you then please accept my thanks here WE DO APPRECIATE EVERYTHING YOU DO. MARK
  5. I am very impressed by the stunned look on your face after the Elephant shower So far I have managed to avoid those myself lol
  6. Thing is I had it in my head that Saturday was the 8th ?? so I was all set to go to the airport on the Saturday so I nearly ended up being at the airport 24hrs early, pmsl Welcome back Diane
  7. Goldfish, hmmm now there is an idea
  8. I fly out on the 8th of February, Yaaaaaay
  9. I dont think any dog would be brave enough to bite Dian, just in case she bit them back Thanks for pointing that post out, I sahl email her tonight Cheers Mark
  10. Spoke with Samantha this afternoon as today was clinic day: And the results, 60 animals vaccinated, of which 34 were also neutered so that was quite a good result. Its also sad to report that one elderly dog died during treatment and one volunteer was bitten (not Diane Helly) and had to go off to hospital for a top up of her rabies jabs. Dramas also with one dog that would not stop bleeding, however 15 minutes of work by the two most senior vets sorted it twas just a tad messy. Yuck! Also if anyone just happens to have any spay hooks, gillies clamps or needle holders that are spare and doing nothing, well if you fancy donating them to little ole meeeeee, I can send them off to Sri Lanka for the use of.
  11. Wow, he is starting to make good progress
  12. All set to collect Aisling, Terri and Pete from Heathrow this evening. buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut They missed the connecting flight, no room on any other so they are now relaxing in Dubia and arriving 24 hours later. So a pleasant (possibly) stop over
  13. All fingers intact, however at one point whilst attempting to cuddle Gertie close (who made not a sound) her claws did dig into my chest...........................
  14. your right it does sound like an oscar acceptance speech all that was missing is the real tears its great reading this and we are very appreciative of all the help from everyone, at one point during the summer we had one direct debit of £5 a month coming in (thank you so much you know who your are , and that was it.......... which was making things a little difficult things looking lots better now
  15. We will have to watch and see how it changes and its amended as it goes through, but it is worrying. I am reasonably hopefull that in its working through, things may become more specific to take away some of the amibiguity.
  16. and in the words of another christmas fairytale "no room at the inn"
  17. ooooh that must be one of them new constellations then
  18. Ok first things first, Mrs Chicken can you email me copies of those pictures we can arrange to get them up on a blog for Sirius. Ta Now to see the Dog Star (The other Sirius) Looking South East look towards the middle of the sky and you should see 3 stars in a row, they run from left to right at a 45 degree angle rising up. That is Orions belt, in the middle of Orion the hunter Roughly in the line of those stars but lower to the left, you should see one very very bright star. That is Sirius the dog star of canis major
  19. Later tonight we will be looking at the Constellation of Orion ( The Hunter ) and hopefully also Canis Major ( The Dog ) which includes Sirius the dogstar In order to take part in tonight's masterclass you will be to looking South East at 22:00hrs . If you don't know what direction your house faces you can check via enter your postcode and then select birds eye view to find North Mark
  20. That would be brilliant Mr Pingu Sir
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