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Everything posted by sanrossscot

  1. Dogs were having a blast out the back in the snow!!
  2. Snow here in Goring-by-Sea which the dogs are loving!!
  3. Well, now I can add pony and donkey wrangling to my CV! Just getting into the car after training last night when a pony suddenly appears behind the trainer Lesley. (We train at Ferring Country Centre which has riding for the disabled.)Cue Lesley and I trying to get these ponies somewhere the dark....with no torch! Followed them up the lane, found a field with a gate open so managed to get behind them and pop two into the field, number three (coloured pony) darts past me up the lane again. Back up the lane eventually manage to get behind it and head it, at a canter, back down the lane. A bit of careful herding and we persuaded him into the field. Lesley called the Centre manager who was going to check we had them all in the right field.
  4. Just made a tentative enquiry, need to speak to a friend first Whizzie
  5. I am bereft....I have left my phone at home!! I feel like I am missing a limb
  6. Sod them! If they don't want to hear they don't have to listen. I have been having a quick nosey as there is an agility show in August in Pembrokeshire and might try to combine show with a holiday stay Actually there's a thought, have you asked if you could put wagtails on there> Loads of doggie people who are always looking for places that allow for more than 1 or 2 dogs.
  7. It's a bit wet and wild outside this morning We were supposed to be trying some flyball this morning but I suspect it may be cancelled
  8. I aim to please Just to complete the set, Glen and Miss Molly
  9. I plan to lose some weight and get fitter so I can keep up more with Molly. I also plan to win out of Grade 1 at least in agility, maybe 2 as well
  10. I met the lady who owns Low Nest last year at the Lune Valley Agility show, very nice woman! She does get booked early in the summer months she already had bookings for 2013 in June 2012. G and I drove past it as well, I spotted the agility equipment I hope that 2013 turns out to be a brighter year for those who have had hard days in 2012 and can we please have less of this
  11. In my house Molly gets ALL the toys!! At least at first, the others might get a shot later......maybe
  12. Absolutely the right result and I loved their show dance!!!
  13. At least if Louis and Lisa are in the danceoff Louis should win
  14. I would like Louis, Danni and Kimberly (possibly) in the final
  15. I think this interviewer should be reported and a complaint made!
  16. I disagree, I think Danni is a very good dancer and she and Vincent compliment each other very well. Nikki was OK but didn't like his professional....
  17. Hopefully, if she likes it. She will need some basic training first though.
  18. She is called Luna (previously Tallulah ) I collected her last night from a girl who does some private rescuing. She is said to be about 1 and a Chi x Border Terrier. Very happy, no training and so far there have been no grumbles or spats between the three so, fingers crossed, all should be well. She is very dinky but sturdy and has a good bounce on her...stairs, sofa, bed no problem.
  19. Not being very productive today, I blame this...
  20. Handsome boy did well at our clubs progress tests and gained his Platinum Award. Miss Molly decided contacts and course plans were optional in her Gold test...2013 here we come.
  21. Missus Yantan, does Archie have any recipes for his biscwits that he might share with Molly and Glen? They are thinking about Christmas Pressies for their friends.
  22. Molly has had a busy day today. We were representing Valgrays Collie Rescue in the 'Rescue Dog Agility' demo at Discover Dogs, I was a little worried that Molly might get over excited at the problem! She has loved her day wandering round the stalls getting treats, being hugged and photographed by random people, giving hugs and kisses back...then she got to a little bit of agility as well We came back with loads of sweeties and a huge pink Octopus.
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