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Everything posted by Clare

  1. Glad Milo approved of his new friend, hope he adjusts to his new routine quickly Finally got hold of a saddler on Friday, the lady who sold me the latest dressage saddle. There was a possibility she could come out today she was just waiting for someone else to confirm an appointment but as I've heard nothing from her since I guess she is not coming, but will call again to check Otherwise it will be next week, and won't leave us much (any!) time to get used to the saddle, assuming she has one suitable, before eventing on the 17th, so not ideal to say the least. It meant I had to bite the bullet and jump in my dressage saddle yesterday, I really struggle in it for any forward seat work it gives me really bad back trouble, so doing interval training and jumping probably wasn't the best idea but was very happy with him he went well and rewarded me with nice jumps from a short bouncy canter and kicked them down when I went on a flyer, its sooo hard to hold and really not as much fun Me on the other hand is creaping around like I am 100 and can hardly move this morning
  2. I can't believe she charged you that much when asking for volunteers, thats terrible especially when its obvious from what shes now said that she doesn't really understand whats shes doing with the machine Ok so I have now left messages for three different saddlers and none have come back to me
  3. Oh that sounds scary, hope its not that Have your vets already done bloods on him?
  4. We sooo need an video of that PW That sounds interesting Gooster, hope you get some answers from her findings Excuse me whilst I Saddler who I've never had any problem getting hold of has now gone AWOL so have got no further in booking her to come out I didn't expect to get anyone out quickly but had hoped I would have got something booked this week! Physio is back out tonight so going to ask if she can recommend someone, but its going to have to be a second hand saddle and saddlers who do those seem few and far between around here.
  5. Thanks I have left a message with new lady to arrange a visit I used to do interval training, poles and if desperate (or too lazy to bring jump saddle up!) do small jumps in my Isabel Werth saddle but the new one doesn't give me the same secure feel so not going to risk jumping in it, definately couldn't go xc in it. Have you tried Blue with a hanging swedes (vegetable variety obviously ) Loki used to like lots of different veg chopped up and hidden in his hay or around his stable. Box rest is horrible, feel for you both
  6. Glad Milo has settled quickly How is Blue getting on? I have a dilemna, what do you guys think. When I had to get my saddles checked for the vet I had to use a different saddler as my usual one couldn't come out for month, we sorted a new dressage saddle but when she checked the jumping saddle and said it didn't fit him as it was too narrow but as I only bought it in end of Dec we agreed I would discuss it with my saddler who sold it to me. I haven't really been able to judge the new dressage saddle yet as had it for three weeks but first week was walking, and last week was on holiday but it does seem Loki is starting to let himself go again and his work is improving, instructor was impressed with difference yesterday. Other saddler came out yesterday to check jumping saddle, I rode it in and he reverted to being reluctant to go forward and unhappy. Saddler said nothing wrong with the fit but didn't want an unhappy customer so agreed to take the saddle back, I won't find out until next week how much money I will lose on it So I have BCA horse trials on 17th June and no saddle to jump in, so need to sort something out but who do I use?! How can one Master Saddler say it doesn't fit and one says it does, the lady that came out yesterday is very well respected and knows her stuff and has been great to deal with, the new lady was fab too but had such different views. It's going to be an expensive mistake and I am scared to make another one, which saddler would you use?!
  7. So pleased he can come home Wow three months is a long time on box rest if they don't know for sure thats the problem, hope it goes quickly for you both. Hope all goes well with the vet today CP I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much but Loki does seem to be getting brighter. It didn't exactly show in a good way last night as for the first time ever I couldn't catch the monster! He was charging around bucking, leaping and snaking his head around winding all the others up, even when I managed to get all the others standing with me and my packet of polos he carried on on his own. It did backfire on him as was almost wimping out of riding as weather so horrid but by the time I got him I was soaked through so thought I would repay the favour and get him wet too
  8. Just been nosy and had a look at the BD forum. Interesting what they say about foot balence, do you remember a few years ago when I moved Loki and started using a different farrier I had lameness problems, each time the vet came out he was lame on a different or more legs! We did all the nerve blocks and xrays and nothing conclusive was found. It was only when I begged (and added a fair few tears too!) my old farrier to come out and assess him that he tore apart the way his feet were, there was a huge improvement after one shoeing and he was completely sound after the second visit. Shoeing / foot balence was never mentioned by my vet. Might be worth getting a reputable remedial farrier out to give you an opinion on the way his feet are balenced when he comes home
  9. I really feel for you Lets hope your vet can get it sorted as sounds like Leahurst aren't doing anything your vet couldn't be doing at home.
  10. So pleased you are enjoying your riding again EAD Sad about Magic but hopefully they will find him a suitable home where he can blossom. Had a sneaky ride in the school yesterday as really wanted to know where we were and whether to get anything done this week. I didn't do much but I think there was enough of a glimmer of hope that he is happier for me to leave any further tests for a few weeks, a very cautious So I have entered BCA Horse Trials, will obviously see how he goes but entries close this week so had to decide and its an event I really want to do if we can, as it runs on Fathers Day, I lost my lovely Dad to cancer in January and I would like to do something he would be proud of that day Fingers crossed for good news on Blue today
  11. Agghh how frustrating! What are they going to do on Monday? I think I've changed my mind about the Iridologist, I did book it for next week but it was expensive for something Im not sure about so have cancelled. I am still trying to decided whether to get him scoped but at the moment I think not before I go on holiday. I hacked out today and he was really spooky and stupid but was thinking forward could just be the grass thats sprung up but think I will wait and see if the saddle and physio have helped him.
  12. Yay good news Blue is giving up some of his secrets! Fingers crossed they can come up with a definate diagnosis tomorrow :o) Yeah Im not too sure about it either but someone who is very respected has suggested a lady for Loki who she has worked with for 3 years and had some amazing results Hmm I wonder if its time to try something a bit unconventional!
  13. Just checking up for Blue updates, hope things are going ok :o) Gooster being in your line of work can I ask what do you make of Iridology?
  14. Oh Hyjak is gorgeous What a lovely photo, love both their expressions. Really hope they scanned everything Gooster and you can get some answers soon. Saddler came out today she was very nice and by a turn of fate had on her van from her visit before me a Albion dressage saddle with Flair would you believe!! Its old a bit tatty and brown but to my eye sat on him lovely and looked a nice fit which saddler agreed with and to boot I thought it very fairly priced, unfortuanly she arrived quite late and there was a lesson on in the school so couldn't play much but had a walk trot and canter and he felt happy in it and so did I, she feels that if we can get him working properly again he will outgrow the saddle very quickly, so its hopefully the right saddle for right now at the right price - famous last words
  15. Oh no how frustrating :o( I completely understand how stressful and frustrating it is when tests keep coming up with nothing. Fingers crossed for Thursday.
  16. Was just coming in to check how Blue had got on, hope for good news tomorrow Loki's bloods were fine, had a very interesting visit from a physio who works on the nerve sources to muscles, have the saddler coming tomorrow then we'll come up with a plan. I have flu and a middle ear infection so not sure how riding for the saddler is going to go tomorrow hope I don't wobble off!
  17. I really don't understand people who don't wear a hat, I've heard all the "its my head my decision" but actually when they have a serious accident it will affect a lot more people than they realise grrrrr I'm sure its the right choice CP, fingers crossed its the start of everything getting back on track I am seriously starting to wonder if Loki has gastric ulcers, he has always had gastric issues since I've had him, ironically he has been much better the last 18 months which coincide with him being poorly, I am going to speak to my vet tomorrow about the bloods so will ask him, I think I asked before but we were so sure it was a respiratory issue it wasn't looked into any further mainly due to the very invasive procedure to investigate.
  18. How was Blue yesterday? Vet came, saw, confirmed sound, confirmed nothing physically obviously wrong, but that he agrees there obviously is, does this sound familiar Bloods taken, different saddler booked for next Wednesday to check his saddle and who will bring a WOW Korrector pad to try with it if needed. I have a name of a neuro-muscular physio type person who has come highly recommended. When they have all seen him and if nothing comes to light in bloods we are going to a bute test, as neither myself or our vet has a clue where to start looking at the moment. I can't believe we are going through this again, just trying to keep positive and hope the saddler or physio can find something
  19. I really enjoyed the first phase but wasn't sure about the last two weeks, will keep watching as Will-i-am and Danny are worth it on their own
  20. Ooh fab was looking for someone who has first hand experience of WOW as read lots of horror stories on forums, though someone said it would be good for him because of the tree moves with the shoulders or something like that? The saddler I have spoken to is a WOW fitter and she suggested the Korrector Pad rather than new saddle so hopefully if he gets the all clear from vet tomorrow she is going to come out and see what she can do, its nice that she is looking at other options rather than trying to sell me a saddle.
  21. Aww Lilli, sounds like she is well adjusted to her normal surroundings, she probably would get used to being outside the yard once she had a picture of what's where but as you say whats the point when she is happy with what she knows, you'll just have to bring the grass to her We took Loki over to my dressage trainers on Saturday, I wanted her to have a sit on him as I haven't really been happy with how he feels under saddle for a while, I can't really explain it but he feels restricted especially in the trot work but its so subtle Im not sure if Im imagining it, and I also don't know if its a saddle issue as to me the saddle feels tight on his shoulders, saddler checked it last month and agreed it was dropping into hollows behind shoulder but wasn't much she could do other than change the gullet but that would make it too narrow, so we agreed to go with a prolite pad and see if that helped. So T rode him and agreed he is not himself, her being a wonderful rider got him doing the moves better than me but there was no harmony or softness and she had to work very hard to get things that normally come easy, but she also couldn't put her finger on what was happening. She agreed that the saddle felt very tight behind the shoulders and was tipping her forward in trot but felt any flocked saddle would do the same and really I'd need to look at Flair saddles. I'm not sure about Flair and also I think if a saddle had a bigger front panel it would help but Im a bit stuck really as my saddler only does new and I don't have that kind of money, actually I don't have any but heyho! The saddlers around here who do 2nd hand saddles I wouldn't touch with a barge pole but have been put in contact with a lady who does and comes highly recommended. Had a chat to her today and she would be happy to come out but suggested I get my vet to check him out before going through the stress of getting a new saddle which may not help the issue, which is a good point, I did go through this last year when I was feeling the same under saddle before he got poorly and he couldn't find anything wrong with him and I had a different saddle at the time, but again I got rid of that because it was restricting his shoulders. So I am rather confuzzled at the moment, and my poor vet is coming out tomorrow to do some more head scratching I would think
  22. No not at all I think you need to go with your gut Plus its a given that living out would be better for his hocks. You might also find that all his problems improve dramatically when you go back, it wasn't until I moved Loki back to WEC that I realised how unhappy he had been about the move, though it wasn't obvious at the time, and all his issues dissapeared as soon as I took him back, he pretty much gave a huge sign of relief coming off the trailer and left me in no doubt it was where he wanted to be!
  23. Agghh I wish I had my smilies working as would be using laughing rolling over one, it did make me laugh in the arena! Lock Eye the Second no less ........ Nooo that was one of the worst pronunciations I have heard and there have been a few!! It should be said as "Lowki" but it is never read out as that lol. He normally takes the free walk easily so I merrily gave my reins and nothing happened catching me out, don't think he was in the mood for relaxing! I don't know regarding height quite possibly, he definately doesn't find that height an effort, I think perhaps he is just going to be a careless showjumper and hopefully if I can improve my riding I might get away with one or two down. I sent the video to the trainer who I had a lesson with and she was really pleased with the improvement from one lesson and is going to email me with detailed feedback. I should hopefully be able to have another lesson with her next month as she is in the area again. Next event is Jun 17th so a nice amount of time to work on things. His showjumping is frustrating when he can jump like this, he didn't touch a twig!!
  24. Haha no thanks just getting used to jumping 3ft! I am feeling out of my depth a bit but would rather be working to improve than staying in our comfort zone. I'm sure you're all bored stiff of my videos but here are yesterdays! Dressage Showjumping XC
  25. Really pleased Wanda has a gunky foot - well you know what I mean :o) Hope you can get Blue back into shape on the lunge soon! Really hope Milo can maintain his soundness when he comes off the bute. I had a good day, started with the miracle that not only did Loki keep his plaits in overnight but no poo stains! I walked the course yesterday and thought both SJ and XC were another step up for us, there were more techincal questions. I was concerned with this, as neither myself or Loki had seen one of these before and the approach was a 90 degree angle and this caused slight racing of the heart! Dressage was ok, he was a bit unsettled and spooky so not one of our best for 34 but scores ranged from 30 to 45 by half way through the class so not too bad. The dreaded showjumping was much better I got to the third last fence with only one down when he over jumped into the double, but then had a rush of blood to the head and forgot all I was taught last week and had the next two fences down, but got my senses back and a nice jump over the last. So happy with him annoyed at myself lol. XC was as ever a lot of fun, but I didn't get the line right to the corner (what idiot uses a white fence post to aim for, when actually there are about 20 of them in view when approaching on horseback .....) Bless him he never locked onto it and just didn't understand the question, when he did realise it was just too late and he glanced off, a quick circle round and a better ride from me and he flew it true and straight, so not naughtiness just crap riding. He flew the rest of the course and didn't look at a thing so really chuffed. One of those not good on paper but actually a productive day. Some SJ lessons and corner practise before next event in June I think! (Someone has stolen my smililes!)
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